@BeastOfCaerbannog I think my Question may become no-repro since your comment worked. Should I change my question to something like "How do i fix the update discrepancy between Software center and apt" or leave it alone?
@karel Unfortunately Sentinel doesn't work, so we cannot see Natty's reasons, but, if I remember correctly, "please give me" is not blacklisted (I could be wrong though). I am not sure if the answer will be deleted, as of now it hasn't, but I trust that you are correct in your assessment of the answer suggesting something that is a potential security risk. That said, this still isn't relevant to Natty, because the answer is not NAA (Natty reports only NAAs).
And yes, Natty only reads answers, not comments, so whatever said in a comment doesn't affect it.
@stumblebee I think the question is okay and we should let it be. What you could do is try to see if there is a specific pattern that causes the issue, and then you or someone else may be able to post an answer or submit a bug report for it.
@BeastOfCaerbannog I occasionally report a gist of the reason why I flagged a particular answer when I report this answer to Natty, however this is not intended to be for Natty to parse. It is intended to be for human readers.