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@BeastOfCaerbannog I have updated askubuntu.com/questions/1522202/…
@amar Thanks! Much improved edit. I also did some imporovements myself.
Can you also edit your answer a bit to make what the solution to the issue more prominent? I cannot really understand it as it currently is.
@BeastOfCaerbannog I did some small changes, but I don't fully understand what you are asking. How to make it more understandable? It is a package outside Kubuntu and needs to be reinstalled or updated.
could this be a better link docs.docker.com/desktop/install/ubuntu
ok, I changed it, it is better or should I add what is in that page?
@amar Well, you say "Upgrade of Kubuntu will only deal with Kubuntu.", but this seems out of place, as in the question there is no mention of upgrading Kubuntu, at least as an effort to solve the issue. Your mention looks like trying to address that.
Next: "As you have connection to internet you know that your Network Connection is working." Okay, and? That addresses what? And how is that helpful?
Next: "If you have other programs you have to see to update or reinstall them again." You mean network managers? "other programs" is way to vague.
Next: "Since you get a lot of Virtual Connections and they cause connection drops, it indicates that one of your network programs (in this case Docker) is not working correctly." How do you know that Docker is the issue?
Finally: "Please check Docker and and apply the workaround to the Docker." What to check about Docker and which workaround? The workaround should be inside the answer, not as a link, as this makes the answer link-only.
Also, (keep that in mind for future posts) since you have gathered a bunch of upvotes for your post and also a bounty, try to stay close to the post that you got the upvotes and bounty for. People voted that version of it and you got the bounty for that version as well. It is one thing improving your post and another completely changing it.
I'm not saying the above to criticize you, only to help you improve your future posts. I hope you understand that I have no bad intention, in case the above comments seem harsh.
@BeastOfCaerbannog ok, I went and changed it before I saw your answer, I will post this and will check it after lunch
1 hour later…
@BeastOfCaerbannog Yup I understand, and I don't mind negative stuff as long as I can learn from it. I changed the post, but to tell the truth, I don't know anything about Docker, all I did was finally telling the op to check his network and he figured it out himself, Guess he needed someone just to ball ideas about what is wrong.
1 hour later…
@amar I just read the whole disussion and I don't think that what's in your answer is the actual solution.
The solution seems to be this:
in Discussion between amar and arkhamvm, Aug 8 at 11:47, by arkhamvm
Yeah, it's works!
So, it's obvious now, NetworkManager.conf cleared by system upgrade, but docker package was not reinstalled
So, from what I understand, just reinstalling Docker.
Maybe the OP should have posted it as the solution along with any other configuration they did.
@amar I did what I could. Please check.
@BeastOfCaerbannog it seems good, and I think that is what the op meant, at getting Docker installed. Thank you
3 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly punctuation marks in answer, repeating characters in answer (113): conda activate not working in a bash file‭ by NocneStudio‭ on askubuntu.com
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