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4 hours later…
[ Natty | FMS ] Link to Post Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; 1.5;
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of answer (38): Can I reload QEMU/KVM config without restarting VM‭ by milad green‭ on askubuntu.com
1 hour later…
@amar This one is not a complete answer. We cannot have answers that rely on chat conversations. Chat (and comments as well) is a means for helping an OP troubleshoot their issues, but once the cause of the issue is discovered and the issue is fixed, the question should be edited properly to include all information that should have been there in the first place.
Similarly, the answer should be a direct answer to the (edited) question. An answer saying "through conversation we found that the solution is this one" is not enough, since 1. not all users have chatting privileges and 2. the questions and answers in AU (and SE in general) must be standalone.
So since you have the knowledge of the issue and the solution, can you please suggest an edit to the question with all information required for the issue to be solvable and then also edit your answer to address the question?
@BeastOfCaerbannog This is the Q&A I talk about (forgot to include the link):
Q: Ubunt 24.04 Gnone shell extensions - not possible to enable it

henrichgI'm installed Ubuntu 24.04 (not upgrade from older verison of Ubuntu). I'm installed Extension mamager, chrome-gnome-shell with "sudo apt install". In Extension Manager is possible to install extensions, but not possible to enable it. All custom (not system) extensions are affected. Please why? :-(

If you want to include a link to the chat conversation in your answer, you're more than welcome to do so.
To try to help you a bit with what should be included in the properly edited question and answer, you need to think as a new user facing a similar problem. What would that user need to check to conclude that they have the same problem as the OP, so that they can then test the answer? What would the new user need to know and do to apply the answer?
All this seems as a tedious process (and may really be), but this is what it takes to provide a thread useful not only to the OP but to all users facing a similar issue.
2 hours later…
@BeastOfCaerbannog ok, I'll look at it. But first I gotta eat lunch:)
@amar Sure! Bon appetit!
@BeastOfCaerbannog Ok, what do you think, I actually spent a lot of time with the op to get idea of what the question was about, when it became clear then the solution arrived.
@amar Can you also add in your suggested edit what the OP tried but didn't work?
@amar I appreciate the effort! :)
@BeastOfCaerbannog Ok how does it look now?
I think we are the second place in internet that tells about this problem, the first place was the one I linked in my answer, I did not find any other place, though I found some people asking
Oh btw Iḿ happy, became #3 this week, I think its my first time since I learned how to see it, which was when stumblebee mentioned:)
@amar Well, what you added in your answer should have been added in the question instead.
@amar And the week is not over yet! You can even get first!
@BeastOfCaerbannog ok lets see, trying again
@amar Okay. In general, all troubleshooting attempts should be in the question. The answer should just contain the answer based on the information in the question.
@BeastOfCaerbannog I understand, ok how does it look now, I don't know anything about citrix so I can't tell how to fix it, but in the link that person talks a little about it.
@BeastOfCaerbannog I don't think there is any energy left, so I¨m happy being the third :)
@BeastOfCaerbannog +1 about being nicer
@amar I improved both the question and your answer. Have a look and feel free to change anything you think I did wrong.
This question has a bounty by ChrisB and is actually a dupe of this one.
As ChrisB informed, my answer is the solution for them, should I add the same answer there? Or should we just wait till the bounty ends and then close the question?
@BeastOfCaerbannog Nope it seems all good, but there was no bounty here:) I got a bit confused but I think :66100781 was for someone else?
Yes, I'm seeking for advice, unrelated to your answer.
@NotTheDr01ds closed
2 hours later…
@BeastOfCaerbannog If you haven't started on editing this askubuntu.com/questions/1522202/… I'll take a go at it tomorrow, hope it stays edited:)
@amar I haven't. Do your thing and ping me to see if it needs any improvements. You now have the post we did today as a guide. :)
@BeastOfCaerbannog Yup hope I will do better this time:)
5 hours later…

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