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@stumblebee :) I think we are talking about 2 different things, my remark was about the comments not the question and answer.
@amar Ok, quite contrary to your previous message. Sorry if I misunderstood. 😔
@stumblebee Ah probably it was my mistake, I was not clear from beginning.
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in body, potentially bad keyword in body (96): KeraHerbal: Solusi Alami untuk Hidup Sehat dan Energik‭ by Sanjoseca‭ on askubuntu.com
This wasn't intended as a bug report and was wrongly closed as such. Getting OpenVPN to work with XFCE on Xubuntu?‭ - Mat Nadrofsky‭ 2012-01-18 01:56:57Z
Is this question so bad that justifies 3 downvotes? I mean, it even has two answers, one of them accepted as the solution, so it looks answerable.
@amar As @NotTheDr01ds said, the user is on Debian. The answer could also apply on Ubuntu, but the OP hasn't tested it on it. Working on Ubuntu is just speculation from their side. If they had tested it on Ubuntu, they could then edit the question to add details about the Ubuntu version they used and the question could be reopened. Since they didn't do it, it rightly got closed as OT.
If you can test and confirm that both the question and the answer provided work on Ubuntu, then maybe an exception could be made and the question could be reopened, if @Zanna and @andrew.46 agree.
Keep in mind that closing a question doesn't necessarily mean that it gets deleted, just that it won't get any more answers.\
@BeastOfCaerbannog Okay, it can be automatically deleted by the Roomba system, but this one seems safe as it has one upvoted answer.
Regarding the comments, I saw one that didn't seem very friendly, which I flagged as Unfriendly or unkind. The rest of the comments seem ok to me.
@Natty tp
@Natty tp
@Natty fp
@Natty tp
Invalidated the previous feedback on askubuntu.com/a/1522594
@andrew.46 regarding DaviDE's downvoting issue:
in Ask Ubuntu General Room, yesterday, by David DE
Can noting be done about the massive abusive down votes that are being used against me?
I had looked at the Voters section of Users when David informed about the issue and I have identified the user for the first 10 downvotes. It's this one and we should keep an eye on them.
However, I am not sure who the user/users is/are related to the second incident that David mentions.
@BeastOfCaerbannog I mean I looked exactly at that time, and since it was the start of the week, they were the only user who had voted, and had 11 downvotes. After the system reversed the votes, the user is no longer in the list. So the certainty about them being the downovoter is 100%.
2 hours later…
Needs Details Or Clarity Help connecting to shared drives‭ - Joe‭ 2024-08-06 02:55:51Z
@amar I agree that new users have a tough road to navigate here. We do have a lot of rules, but they are here for a reason. That said, I often try to provide a "softer" comment/explanation for the vote to help "guide" new users. Example
That's a pretty bad question, since it boils down to "I haven't been able to get it to work", with no detail that could be helpful in answering it. But perhaps the user can be coached into making it worthwhile (and hopefully getting their problem solved as a result). That's assuming they really want to put the time into it. If not, it should get closed and Roomba'd.
@NotTheDr01ds Do you think we can change the question to fit the great answer from cocomac?
Something on the line of "How can I use certbot to get https:// certificates?"
@BeastOfCaerbannog Lol - Didn't notice that there was a cocomac answer there. But honestly? I don't think so ... But you are welcome to try. The other new answer would need to be deleted.
There are already so many existing Certbot questions that I doubt that this would be unique anyway.
Ok then, CV it is. :)
@BeastOfCaerbannog Tried pinging cocomac, but he hasn't been in here for long enough. I'm betting even he'd VTC on that one ;-)
If it weren't a "conflict of interest" of sorts.
@NotTheDr01ds Hahaha, quite possibly!
It was one written when he was fairly new to the site.
I definitely answered some questions when I was new that I would (and have) VTC'd now.
@BeastOfCaerbannog Regarding askubuntu.com/questions/1522558/… - Is that correct terminology? Shouldn't you be "Following" a question to get updates rather than "Star" (a.k.a. bookmark) it?
@NotTheDr01ds Right! I had customized the automatic reasons to reflect the current situation. I now see that all my customizations are gone!
Some update or something must have reset them! Thanks for noticing! (I didn't)
Most certainly.
I held off adding a comment under that one in case you wanted to delete and repost it.
@NotTheDr01ds Please do add yours! I'm deleting mine
I hope I have saved the custom comments somewhere...
I'm using the Vivaldi browser's "Notes" pane to store all my comment templates.
@NotTheDr01ds I agree but some comments are close to being rude, making the users fell ,why do you dare ask a question, not that it is said this way but makes you feel like, that is what I am against
@amar Right - That's what I'm saying I agree with. And why I try to do it differently personally.
And "short", "blunt", and "concise" comments can all come off as "rude", even when not intended that way.
^ Given the "Upgraded to 24.04 and it went away", it's likely that this is some obscure configuration issue that got reset on upgrade.
Although "upgrade to 24.04" is a valid answer, so I could see it being left open, but I think that one is better closed since we don't really know (and won't ever) what the answer truly is.
@NotTheDr01ds I agree and CV'd.
3 hours later…
2 hours later…
I think that this question is okay now to be reopened. Also needs some upvotes to even the downvotes.
2 hours later…
@NotTheDr01ds Thank you. the situation seems to get better in forum, hope that it will continue.
3 hours later…
@Natty tp
@Natty tp

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