@ArturMeinild There's another problem so it doesn't matter if it's an old question. That answer should be deleted as link-only NAA
@ArturMeinild Do you and others on AU recommend installing steam via PPA? I always used the default apt install steam from the Ubuntu repos. I generally avoid PPAs unless necessary, but diverse answers by many users continue to suggest that. Is there a benefit to using the steam PPA?
@DanielT You're right of course - but if this was a decent answer, then what? 🤔 Guess there would be no harm in letting it be then..
@DanielT I have absolutely no idea - I use Steam on Windows, and not Ubuntu 😁
I'm only running Ubuntu as server. 😉
But I do know that people has asked the same thing about an invalid Wine Public key many times. For the Steam part, I just found a somewhat suitable duplicate also.
Oh no, it seems that user is bringing a world of pain upon themself.. 😬
Error output when installing Wine:
nessie27@nessie27-MS-7A38:~$ sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-stable
Reading package lists... Done
Building a dependency tree... Done
Reading status information... Done
Some packages cannot be installed. Perhaps what you're asking for
is not...
@ArturMeinild It apt installs perfectly fine in a fresh 22.04 Docker container by following wiki.winehq.org/Ubuntu . Could not reproduce their Wine APT errors so I just assumed they have conflicting packages installed.