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dupe Confirmed as a duplicate question by the OP's last comment.
dupe The question was solved by changing the font.
OT no-repro "hey thanks, sorry new to linux did something somehow and now its fixed"
@Natty tp
OT Ubuntu Web is a remix, and not a flavor of Ubuntu
OT hardware issue
OT Mint
OT hardware issue
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
@Natty fp
dupe See the self-answer.
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in username (1): How to recover Ubuntu GUI?‭ by CodeSparrk‭ on askubuntu.com
2 hours later…
I think he wants to resize partitions - which has been asked many times before..
Also, it took me a while to figure out the question is only about /dev/sda
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ip for hostname in body, potentially bad ns for domain in body (2): How to access android phone on Ubuntu 22.04‭ by user48297‭ on askubuntu.com
Two suspicious answers
A: Why localhost is not working from Windows 11 to WSL2

Kevin Yehezkiel GurningYeah, I faced such problem, too. I think you must to see about there are several possible reasons why you may be experiencing issues connecting to localhost from Windows 11 to WSL2. Some possible causes include: Network Configuration: There could be a problem with your network configuration that...

A: Ubuntu 20.04 - how can I stop waiting for NetworkManager.service during startup?

Kevin Yehezkiel GurningYeah, I faced such problem, too. You can do this, but One way to speed up the startup process is to disable the NetworkManager service from starting automatically on boot. This can be done by running the following command: sudo systemctl disable NetworkManager.service This will prevent the servic...

Two well formatted posts by a new user with some generic ideas
Can anyone figure out what this is about? askubuntu.com/questions/1452299/…
Another one. I think they copypaste it from somewhere
A: Screens turning off after 30 seconds when I connect external display

Kevin Yehezkiel GurningYeah, I faced such problem, too. I think this issue appears to be caused by the system's power management settings. When an external display is connected, the system may automatically adjust the power management settings to conserve energy, which can cause the screens to turn off after a certain ...

One more
Agree - they look very suspicious, and 2 out of 3 rate as high probability AI
A: Slow startup of gnome-terminal as root

Kevin Yehezkiel GurningYeah, I faced such problem, too. I think this issue is experiencing with the slow startup of gnome-terminal as root could be caused by a number of things. Here are a few things you can try to debug the issue: Check the system logs for any errors or warnings related to gnome-terminal or pkexec. Y...

Please also note that all questions answered have a bounty on them.. 😬
Guess someone was trying for quick rep..
This user will have a very short career here.. 😁
They've deleted one after my comment ;-)
Yes I saw that.. Unfortunately, they're probably not aware that we and mods can see deleted questions.. 😅
Deleted all of them. But still answers at SO are alive.
Autoflagging disabled until restart
@ArturMeinild Please provide me with a link so that I can check his remaining answers on Stack Overflow for AI-generated content.
@Natty tp
2 hours later…
Rebooted at 2023-01-28T15:31:10.341092Z
@Natty tp
Good find @Pilot6
@karel There were two answers from the user that I found on SO:
The second one was clear ChatGPT.
The first one was well-disguised and only came up 10% "fake", BUT ... it was clearly wrong. ChatGPT was using an old, deprecated flag for Node that hasn't existed in years ...
The user is now suspended on SO.
@ArturMeinild Interestingly, I just found that when a USER deletes their own post, it doesn't show in the 10k tool ...
Only community and mod-remove posts show there apparently.
@Natty tp
@Natty tp
@Natty fp
That "extra text" at the beginning will thwart my "preview mode" scanning for ChatGPT :-(
@NotTheDr01ds There were about 10 answers initially. Now all are deleted. I don't have enough rep there to see deleted posts.
2 hours later…
@Natty tp
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
@Natty tp

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