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4 hours later…
@BeastOfCaerbannog oh oops, missed that
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, link at end of answer, potentially bad ip for hostname in answer, potentially bad ns for domain in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer, +1 more (152): Software to automatically remove background from images? by clippingpath on askubuntu.com
No problem!
@Natty tp
@Natty tp
@Natty tp
@Natty Not sure, but I suppose it would better be a comment.
@Natty fp
@Natty tp
@Natty tp
@Natty tp
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ip for hostname in body, potentially bad ns for domain in body, potentially bad keyword in body (3): Resolve Brother Printer Paper Jam Error with No Paper Jammed by prepcsolution on askubuntu.com
1 hour later…
After I waited enough time to evaluate the change, I can say this: I hate the Community bot comments from the review queues!
You can't contact the reviewers to ask them about their decisions if you need, but the worse is that the OPs cannot contact them in cases where they actually fix the things mentioned in the bot comments or they need help with anything else!
@BeastOfCaerbannog same - I hate them, they are evil, they are vile, they are wrong, they should not be used and they should be destroyed
I am thinking of posting on meta to discourage people from using them
also, I intend to regularly delete all of them
@Zanna I think it would be a good idea!
@Zanna Should I flag them when I come across them or do you have a way of locating them as a mod?
I don't understand why anyone thought it would be a good idea to allow people to pretend to be Community and leave inane comments as such
I feel it turns review into a throwaway task
it's like throwing litter on the post and walking away
@Zanna Even more than it was!
@BeastOfCaerbannog surprisingly, I can delete all comments by a user in one go. But do feel free to flag them on sight at any time
@BeastOfCaerbannog hahaha yes, even more than it was
@Zanna Nice! Then BURN THEM ALL!!!!!!
BTW, I found out that many of my close votes have been invalidated due to not many users having reviewed them (for example the dupes I have linked above). The Close Votes queue looks really bad. To me it shows 429 posts needing review. I guess there are many votes that get invalidated every day.
What can we do? I can handle the Suggested Edits queue (which also started having many posts needing review), since improving them removes the posts from the queue, but the Close Votes need at least 5 votes.
It seems that we lack the person-power (I don't know if this is a valid gender-agnostic term).
@BeastOfCaerbannog seems good
@BeastOfCaerbannog oh no :(
I can pitch in starting from tomorrow
review spree time
@Zanna Thanks! A call for reviewers might help too, but it's up to you to decide if it's really needed.
do you think calling for reviewers is a good idea?
I should take a look at who is reviewing :)
I usually see only karel
And C.S. Cameron too
I'm not really active there lately
@Zanna I'm not sure. I don't know if something like this has been done before. There could be two ways of calling for help. Either a meta post describing the problem we have now with the Close Votes queue and a call for a spree for, let's say 2 weeks, so we can clear the queue, or call the most frequent reviewers here and state the problem here.
I feel more comfortable asking more people to pitch in than asking regular reviewers to do more
anniversary time is coming up again...
oh dear... I should be writing another lesson
but more importantly hat season is coming up
that tends to clean up the queues
@Zanna Sure. In every case, close-voting should be coordinated from here, by sharing links to posts needing to be closed, so we don't end up having many random posts with a few votes.
strangely, yesterday I went all the way through the posts in Late Answers and First Questions|Answers queues looking for audits to test something (unfortunately I didn't actually review many of them), and there were only a few posts in each... that's normal for Late Answers, but I expected First Questions to be a lot more full
@Zanna Feel free to tell me if you need any help.
@Zanna Yay!
@BeastOfCaerbannog thank you! I'll certainly need help... not sure if I will actually have time to do it
@BeastOfCaerbannog :)
@Zanna Yeah. I have noticed the same. Perhaps the splitting of the queue helps.
On the Close Votes subject, what I suggest could be stupid, or even wrong. I don't know.
are you about to suggest something, or are you talking about the sensible suggestions you've made already? :)
@Zanna Oh, it's about these suggestions. I'm not sure if someone could feel pressured or anything to do things in a specific way. That's why I wonder if they are stupid (perhaps naive is better) or wrong.
I think all your ideas are good
@Zanna oh.. OK.
@Zanna Please look into questions. Most of them are very old and the tag might not be relevant to them anymore.
@RandomPerson maybe you could do that job :)
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in answer (94): What is the botanical name of potato? by Abhay Bhatt on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer (61): How to install Google Chrome version 90 for ubuntu? by Proximus88 on askubuntu.com
@Zanna oh or maybe the day after :/
2 hours later…
@Zanna 😅 well.. I can't edit meta posts because "Suggested edits are not allowed on non-tag-wiki posts on meta sites."
@RandomPerson In general, I don't think old meta posts should be edited unless they are relevant to now, but anyway what I meant was, you could have a look and see if there are questions that really need something changed and then post about them here. I don't really have time to look into that myself (I consider it less important than, say, trying to get the review queues down to size or cleaning up tags), but if you want to you can go for it.
@Zanna sure. I understood now..
would this edit suggestion be better as a separate answer? I think so
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in body (1): Getting "Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page" and I'm not a webserver by motschmania on askubuntu.com
1 hour later…

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