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@Videonauth and etal. In comment to my answer to Libre Office Writer - how to add text to an image. The new user added that s/he is using windows 10. Should it be flagged as off topic?
since your answer works on Ubuntu pretend you did not read it (It will at least other Ubuntu users searching for that information, so no need to close that as OT) ;) so but now I'm gone
And it should work on windows too will look into it tomorrow on a higher libreoffice version if it works
I think this question is quite clear. And also awesome.
Though it pains me that someone is attempting to upgrade from such an old release for any reason but fun, I strongly suspect that this question really is on-topic (see my comment).
Unclear. And I believe this post is currently NAA, not because it is in the form of a question, but because it is not really saying what to do. (It shouldn't be converted to a comment because, even as a request for information, it's not really all that clear.)
Is this answer really trying to answer the question that was asked there?
4 hours later…
Leave Closed. Before the edit, it was too broad and a little unclear; since the edit, it's possibly broader, and very unclear.
@J.Starnes imho, yes it should be flagged as off topic!
@EliahKagan some of those comments are rather confusing... it would be much better if the commenters wrote answers in some cases there, and I take this as a sign it can and should be answered. But maybe we can edit in something about how they are trying to get to a supported release, because as written it's like "I upgraded to an unsupported release and I have a problem on that unsupported release"
Including the title...
@EliahKagan I guess they answered part of the question!
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, +4 more: nutrahealthtrimsite.com/nutralu-garcinia-cambogia/ by user769211 on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: week training intervention. The tra by user769212 on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, repeated URL at end of long post: Optimal Choice CBD - Enhances energy levels and mental strength by ortheavxtall on askubuntu.com
1 hour later…
good morning
morning :)
@Zanna but in fact we mostly all have libreoffice on our machines, going to test the answer now on Linux
and if it works i dont think the question should be closed just because the OP uses windows?
marking it as off-topic would increase the chance that i will get deleted in the near future
I think it should be closed because OP uses Windows (OP says it doesn't work for them!), and it should be deleted because it is off topic. But @J.Starnes could make a self-answered question about it.
@Zanna edit to the rescue :D
@J.Starnes ok the menus look different in the version of Libreoffice the OP uses and as well on Linux higher versions i guess. you can ping me if you want to work this out.
@J.Starnes Version: here with Build ID: 1:5.4.2-0ubuntu0.17.10.1
@Videonauth thanks! :)
2 hours later…
This user has posted 5 questions about an EOL Ubuntu release, two of which are exact duplicates posted within less than an hour of each other.
not sure if that edit here: askubuntu.com/a/512069 is correct
3 hours later…
@Zanna People are voting to close that. I think it should just be answered. It's clearly not specific to an EOL release and it seems valuable to me. Many users don't realize that (a) common commands can be shadowed by shell functions, and (b) someone who defines shell functions can easily fool the user. Imagine if type had also been defined as a shell function, to report that cd (and type itself) weren't shell functions.
@EliahKagan true that, i had a long time trying to make up my mind, well i retract my vote and suggest an edit to take the Ubuntu version out
I'm about to go afk but someone should probably post an answer... In case that happens to interest you... :)
I retracted my close vote for the following reason: The OP uses 16.10, fine but this can happen on any Ubuntu version and i think other Users could benefit from this question to be answered. — Videonauth 11 secs ago
I dont thin k my knowledge about the shell and how it behaves in case of shadowing by functions is not sufficient enough to gibe a comprehensive answer I think
i guess if im going to answer that it might be a stub
@EliahKagan I voted to leave it open earlier... I see I am the only one to do so so far! Hopfully muru will post an answer
@EliahKagan I guess that is the idea, but I don't agree that it is a duplicate. It might be reasonable to close it as a duplicate of the post that my post refers to. Maybe David Foerster feels that Panther's answer to my question is better than their answer to the other question. But it is a bit confusing for the OP...
@Zanna i'm writing at the moment an answer but having trouble with the find command.
oh yes?
find /etc/ -type f -exec grep 'echo\ \"-bash\:\ cd\:\ \$1\:\ Permission denied\"' {} \;
not sure if the grep line is correct for finding
echo "-bash: cd: $1: Permission denied"
or if this would be the right approach
maybe find would not even be needed and a grep -R for recursive wuld suffice ?
mhmm the line seems right, but takes a long time and does not give me an output of the filename it has found it in
you don't need all those escapes
you may as well just use grep's recursive flag
ok which are needed?
i thought just of doing -exec echo {} \; grep '' {} \;
this should give me the filename or ?
grep -r 'bash: cd: $1: Permission denied' /etc/*
well i did so many escapes because i wasnt sure how grep would repont to : - and $
I don't think even $ is a metacharacter in grep. Maybe it is if you use -P
to be honest if you have such friends you not need any enemies lol
A: 'Permission denied' when I cd into any folder

VideonauthYou where the victim of a prank, possibly done by your coworkers or someone who had access to your machine. Bash functions can shadow the original shell built-in commands as you could see as you did type cd. I has shown you that it first found a function which is possibly declared somewhere. cd...

I'm back, for the moment. What's the purpose of these find and grep commands? To find where the cd function was defined? That's not likely to succeed because there are effectively an unlimited number of ways to write a cd function that prints that output. The function doesn't have to contain the text it prints. It can be decoded from base64, patched together, etc.
Even if all that were addressed, which I don't think is possible, this method could only then hope to e slightlhy more reliable than using shell builtins like type because even assuming the file still exists, is still readable, and you're looking in the right place, someone who can define a shell function to override type can surely also define one to override find and grep.
@EliahKagan well type only returns that funtion as shown when it is cleartext defined or ?
No, type always works, so long as type itself hasn't been shadowed by a function called type.
yes true but where to stop, I told you an answer by me would be most likely be a stub
the OP even said ...
Rechecked! The guy actually calls another script within .bashrc that does that. — Awais Chishti 8 hours ago
this was why i wrote my answer like i did
hmm well should I delete it then?
No, I don't think you should delete it.
@Videonauth I'm not saying you should say more. I'm suggesting you might consider saying less than you currently are saying. But if you do want to give examples of commands that will occasionally find the function, then I recommend that you avoid presenting them as reliable. In particular, you might want to replace "Best way to find is" with something like "One approach that may sometimes work".
The way you've shown is potentially valuable, but I suspect it will find the function definition far less frequently than other methods, such as running bash with strace to see that files it actually sources, or searching for text that looks like the beginning of a function definition for cd rather than text that looks like that particular body.
I'm not saying you need to talk about that stuff, only that I recommend against presenting any method that is less likely to succeed as the "Best way". (Those other methods are going to be var from perfect, too.)
@Zanna $ is a metacharacter in BRE (-G or no dialect flag) and ERE (-E), as well as in PCRE (-P). It matches the empty string at the end of a line. For example, grep -o '..$' <<<abcde outputs de.
@EliahKagan * far from perfect
well i revised my answer
It looks fine to me now. I'm glad you did not delete it!
@Zanna Yeah, I'm out of CV reviews for the day.
full of typos still lol
Sorry, I didn't notice them, or I would've edited. You can edit again though to fix them.
just did
they where not very obvious
still not sure if that edit on this answer is correct --> askubuntu.com/a/512069
@Videonauth I have revised my answer to be correct on LO
yep thats the way i found earlier :)
@EliahKagan oh yeah... omg
@EliahKagan my answer on that cd command question just got accepted
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in title: wheretoobuy.com/ultra-potent-libomax/ \*Ultra Potent LiboMax\* by richmpoll on askubuntu.com
@Zanna can you read over my edit here and tell me if you think my interpretation is correct. --> askubuntu.com/posts/984438/revisions
I can't believe I am talking such rubbish about things I actually somewhat know
What kind of nonsense will I come out with about things I am really clueless about?!
@Videonauth it looks good... I have edited it again
meh :( i lost my bash copper badge someone must have taken out a bash tag somewhere
@Videonauth Cool -- thanks for posting it.
I didn't think those badges could be lost
they can sadly
if questions get re-tagged your score changes and if you drop below the threshold you loose your badge
it will be back soon I'm sure :)
yep but most time the questions tagged get re-tagged as
@Zanna Yeah, it's just for tag badges. Also, I think you can also lose them if your answer is made CW, since tag badges are based only on non-CW answers. None of this applies to non-tag badges, which generally survive the reversal of whatever event caused them to be earned.
good to know
yesterday I seemed to lose 1 point when I hadn't downvoted an answer. I assumed this was because an answer I had downvoted that was deleted had been undeleted, but I didn't find anything in "recently undeleted", and I can't think of any other explanation. I guess I might have imagined it though...
Doesn't the reputation tab in your profile reveal the reason?
Also, did you lose one point, or did you lose more than one point from some combination of events but gain back all but one of them from some other combination of events?
i did loose about 3 score
@Zanna When I look at your reputation tab, I don't see any loss events, suggesting that it is from a downvote you had cast (since voting is private and rep changes to the voter aren't shown to other users).
now at 98 was at 101
oh, nvm :P
@EliahKagan nothing illuminating in the reputation tab. I downvoted some answers yesterday and today, but they've all been deleted (I assume) because all the numbers are round
I assume the change must have come from an event relating to an old post, like when a post that is not recent is undeleted or deleted
if someone right now upvotes, unupvotes, accepts or unaccepts your post, or a user is removed, that shows as a new change, but deletions of posts you suggested edits on, downvoted, or had received votes on (excluding the +3 & sixty day exception and of course CW posts) change your rep but don't show any new events, iirc
All I remember is, it was ending with 08, then it went down to 07 for no visible reason, and now the last number is still 7, but my rep changes since then are round numbers
anyway shrug I am vaguely curious about it, but I am more interested in lots of other things :)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in link text in body: Webcams not working on a Dell Latitude 5285 by parrenin on askubuntu.com
TIL that if you want to blok an IP you have to insert the rule on top with UFW
btw what does FWIW mean?
for what it's worth
it's something you might say to emphasise that you are saying something of little or tangential value
why isn't that list arranged alphabetically? twitches
well have fun it is a CW anyways
hello @Rooney
@Zanna I had been wondering about that. But when I edited it earlier today, I didn't take the initiative to alphabetize it.
I am doing it, while feeling slightly ridiculous
Why? Are you not writing a short script to do it, which you can then write a self-answered question about, in which you can also explain the significance of LC_COLLATE?
Really it would be less of a script and really just... the sort command.
:( and variants - Sad misses a - to be in line with the rest @Zanna you can add it while you editing
dont want to interfere edit right now
@EliahKagan :D
> - VTR stands for "vote to resolve." It means to upvote an answer so that the question no longer appears on the list of unanswered questions. This should only be done if it seems like the post really answers the question. Sometimes someone makes a CW post and suggests it be VTRed. (This is often done for abandoned questions that [can still be useful][2] to the community.)
never seen that
is it obsolete?
@Videonauth sad misses a?
wonderful silence at my small server, some cheeky smartass thought it is funny to try to brute force with POST requests every two minutes. blocked the IP for now
@Zanna a minus --> - <--
or hyphen
never mind haha, you can fix it in a minute if it's still wrong
ah and variants ...
oh I found it... hmm do these faces need explanation?
that variants does not make sense what should be variants of :(
=( :.( :~( etc
ah ok for me that is goofy sad
the first one
@Videonauth Hello
@Zanna It may be obsolete. We actually discussed it briefly, a while back, though not in connection with that meta post:
Aug 24 at 15:13, by Eliah Kagan
I don't know if it's used to mean this anymore, but I remember people (I think especially in this room) have sometimes used "VTR" to stand for "vote to resolve" where there's a solved question but the answer isn't upvoted, so the question will be "resolved" out of the unanswered questions list if it gets votes.
However, I was mistaken to think it had a history of being used here.
I have removed it, along with NARQ (not a real question) and TL (too localized)
2 hours later…
We started our SEDE cleanup project in that room :)
what does that mean Smokey?
i can tell you since i have edited to correct that post
its FP
the top link to mediafire pointed to the image link
check the rev history
I checked it... but what is that file?
a driver i guess
could be anything though... I would not just download some tarball uploaded by random person, extract it and run something in it with sudo sight unseen
this is the virustotal scan of the tarball i got and now im actually going through the scripts
looks pretty normal for a driver
it's the principle though. That answer should have some kind of warning imho.
anyway, what do I know? nada :)
going to bed \o
well its always the user who has to use common sense when it comes to that
wonder if there would be another good link which is trsutworthy for the same driver files
then we could change it to that
i never needed external driver files tho
I added a warning, but obviously the user can remove it :S
its fine, i will keep this openin a tab for a day or so
If he is removing it then we might have a hint what he is up to
This answer seems underappreciated. It was posted well after my answer, but it contains significant valuable information and explanation that mine does not.
upvoted :)
+1 from me too
It is inadvisable to download files from untrusted sources and especially to run them as root without knowing exactly what they will do. Please be careful and be sure you know what you are doing! — Videonauth 16 secs ago
and this he cant delete :P
first time i extra used *** formatting in a comment ;)
well, I upvoted your comment and downvoted the post
2 hours later…
Recent duplicate answers by the same author, all posted over a short time, which also appear to be totally wrong, and it's unclear to me to what degree they are attempting to address the specific details of the questions, but I'm not sure it's strictly NAA. They are identical to one another except that there is a small typo that appears in only two of the three:

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