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[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad phone number in body (100): ¿Cómo contacto con Lufthansa por teléfono? [EE>UU] #MX‭ by Muktta Shah‭ on askubuntu.com
Is anyone up for an editing challenge? I am convinced that buried under an massive verbiage and a flurry of unneeded screenshots is a decent question:
Q: Rclone sync and rclone check crashing ubuntu server

atkuzmanovHope everyone is doing well! Thanks to everyone in StackExchnage and Ubuntu for their amazing work and effort, huge fan, and thanks to anyone willing to help, I really appreciate it, means a lot to me! I am trying to use rclone to first sync and then check several source and destination director...

I have made the barest of beginnings to the editing but in my defense I have also fended off a close flag :)
@andrew.46 Done! That was quite challenging indeed!
@Natty tp
It has received only "Recommend deletion" votes (rightfully so), but the first vote was casted in June 6 and it still isn't deleted! I guess because no one has flagged the post as NAA.
So I would like to remind that any post that doesn't meet the requirements for being an answer should be flagged, even if it is in a review queue!
@Natty tp
@BeastOfCaerbannog Give some work to the mods. Keep them active, keep them healthy! :P
@andrew.46 the OP undid almost all changes. I commented. Let's hope that they'll understand and are not stubborn...
@BeastOfCaerbannog You have done a great job as always! I have rolled back to your edit and hopefully not triggered a rollback war 🙁.
@SmokeDetector spam spam spam spam spam eggs and spam
OK then..
@SmokeDetector spam
@andrew.46 Thanks!
@andrew.46 and BeastOfCaerbannog, ok thanks, I udnerstand. — atkuzmanov 2 mins ago
5 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): Is GB Whatsapp free to use?‭ by farhan ali‭ on askubuntu.com
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