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[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of body, potentially bad keyword in body (99): Why is Business Raisers the best choice for Zoho consulting services?‭ by chetna bharti‭ on askubuntu.com
3 hours later…
3 hours later…
Leave open. The OP looks for a software on Ubuntu that does some things that are described in the question. Since the requirements are specific, the question is not off-topic for being opinion-based nor the user seeks for a tutorial, as the first comment and respective close vote says.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in answer (1): School timetable‭ by Danut Preda‭ on askubuntu.com
1 hour later…
@SmokeDetector Not sure if that's really spam
Ah, another comment saying that software recommendations are off-topic:
This never should have had any answers and been removed by the Mods. Recommending software is off topic. — David DE 29 mins ago
As long as the question is about Ubuntu and the required features of the software are clearly stated, such questions are fine.
It's the second I came across today. The other was this one:
I’m voting to close this question because it's a request for a tutorial, which is inappropriate for a Q&A site. — waltinator 23 hours ago
4 hours later…
2 hours later…
@Natty tp

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