@andrew.46 Want to ping either that message or mine in this room? I think it might be worth it. As @stumblebee said, I think folks here should take a look at it and consider responding
@karel, I've posted answer at askubuntu.com/questions/1535475/…, whilst include the codecs & third party would be a great inclusion, I'd want to refresh myself on details before including it & don't have capacity currently sorry.
@guiverc Your answer is fine the way it is, but if you want additional information please look at the screenshot in this answer that was posted last week.
@karel, just amended answer ^ & included 3rd party wifi/graphics & media formats... your picture showed ubiquity installer I believe; I did quick test (internet/no-internet) with oracular & 3rd party graphics & wifi was on ISO i used so worked online & offline, only additional media formats which ubuntu-desktop-installer indicated required download was greyed out & not selectable thus not usable.