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1:04 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ip for hostname in body (1): amd radeon hd 8570, Active or not, Trying to run Sober, need help for this‭ by user637257‭ on askubuntu.com
1:16 AM
Off topic askubuntu.com/questions/1532347/…. Unsupported OS - Mint.
3 hours later…
4:25 AM
@BeastOfCaerbannog The instructions you've provide here can be improved. There should be no need to edit the userscript's code. You should be able to have it fully functional, sending requests into Raiders of the Lost Downboat with just changing the available options. At least it's fully intended that you should be able to do so. If you can't, then I need to work on the configuration capabilities.
I'd suggest installation instructions that are closer to:
⠀⠀1. Install the SO Close Vote Request Generator userscript (GitHub) (Install)
⠀⠀⠀⠀In order to install the userscript, you must have Tamermonkey, Violentmonkey, or other userscript manager browser extension installed, but not Greasemonkey.
⠀⠀2. Open a question page on Ask Ubuntu
⠀⠀3. Click on "Sd-report" in the question's post menu, which will open a popup
⠀⠀4. In the popup, click on "Options"
⠀⠀5. Uncheck "On sites not specifically configured in this script, use Charcoal HQ as default & show only SD reports/spam report options."
⠀⠀6. Click on "Charcoal HQ" (second line in the popup)
⠀⠀7. Paste "https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/3877/raiders-of-the-lost-downboat" into the text input box
⠀⠀8. Click "Set" (to the right of the text input box)
⠀⠀9. Click "Send request" (first line in the popup)
You should now be ready to send requests to Raiders of the Lost Downboat, but "!!/" commands (SmokeDetector commands) will be sent to Charcoal HQ. If you want those also sent to Raiders of the Lost Downboat, then you would need to uncheck "Always send SD commands to Charcoal HQ." in the options.
4:35 AM
@BeastOfCaerbannog If you'd like, I can update the userscript such that this room is the default room used for Ask Ubuntu, as well as have shortcut keys for Ask Ubuntu's custom close reasons.
5:24 AM
@SmokeDetector fp
@stumblebee Registered question as false positive.
4 hours later…
10:00 AM
@Makyen Your instructions are great! I didn't know or haven't thought about step 5. I was always manually adding Ask Ubuntu in the script.
@Makyen I would appreciate if you could do that, or maybe you could just add the above instructions in the GitHub page, so that users from other sites can configure the script for their sites themselves.
Either way, thank you very much for coming here and clarifying things! :)
2 hours later…
4 hours later…
3:42 PM
The OP to this question edited the title with "Solved" and added their answer to their original question. I left a comment indicating not to do this, but I suspect that they'll probably not return to fix this. So what's the general practice around here for this? Editing the title makes sense to remove "Solved", but is their answer left in the body of the question or removed?
5:16 PM
@mpboden In such cases we can edit the answer out of the question and post it as a Community Wiki (CW), as I did, so we won't any undeserved points. I also added a comment to let the OP know about that, and suggest them to post the answer themselves if they want.
Also, when we post an answer from an OP's edit or comment as a CW, we also ask here for at least one upvote, so that the question won't get deleted by Roomba.
So please upvote the above CW.
Please also note the formatting of the CW: the OP's answer should be quoted, with as minimal editing as possible (here I added some code formatting and split some paragraphs, but not much else). After the quoted answer, it should be made clear that the answer came from OP's question or the OP's comment and provide a link for it. To not steal focus from the answer, I add the note inside <sup></sup> tags, which make the text a superscript (essentially decrease the font size).
5:34 PM
@BeastOfCaerbannog Good to know. Thanks for the info. So I should be able to do this myself even though I'm not a moderator. Simply edit original question, add a new answer, and check the Community Wiki box. 👍
@mpboden Exactly! You may star my above message, if you wish, so you can also easily find it in the room's starred messages on the right for future reference.
@Natty tp
7:51 PM
@Natty tp
@NotTheDr01ds I'm asking you because I know you use SE-AutoReviewComments. I just noticed that I have an issue when I try to add a new comment when clicking "import/export". As you can see in the following screenshot, there is no confirmation button to save new comments. Wasn't there an "ok" button or something or is it my idea?
8:07 PM
@BeastOfCaerbannog Yes, there was. The issue is a change in HTML parsing, caused by SE's change in jQuery version. In the userscript source, there's a string that contains <textarea/> which needs to be changed to <textarea></textarea>. Admittedly, the <textarea/> is, actually, wrong, but earlier versions of jQuery made it work. SE had a couple of similar bugs when they made the switch to the current version of jQuery. Note that you may also have to contend with AutoReviewComments updating method, which is to always load the remote version of the userscript into the page, so that may overwrite in the page any changes you make to your stored copy.
@Makyen Thanks so much! It worked! Should I add a bug report for this? Is the script actually maintained?
@BeastOfCaerbannog Sure. It's somewhat maintained. As I understand it, Machavity has authorization to push to the repo and has done maintenance.
8:35 PM
@BeastOfCaerbannog Thanks. Two minor issues: It's <textarea/>, not </textarea> and appears to be in line 257, rather than 284. The difference in line numbers is probably that you have an old version locally, which as I mentioned above loads the current version from the network into every page, so you're actually running the current version, even though the current version isn't what's (probably) in your userscript manager.
Line 373 should probably be changed too, but appears to be functional, because there's nothing else in the string to be parsed.
@Makyen I have version 1.6.1. I'm editing to fix the typo and add the line for the current version.
8:55 PM
@BeastOfCaerbannog Looking at it again, the difference in line numbers is the difference between what's distributed as a userscript and the source file, as version 1.6.1 appears to be the most current. I don't really track the versions for this userscript, as my personal version diverged a long time ago, as I really don't like, from a security POV, the execution of remote code in every page that the userscript uses for version updates.
@Makyen Do you have a fork?
Not an official Ubuntu flavor Hyperland spin/flavor‭ - Nick McKenzie‭ 2024-11-10 17:27:56Z
9:12 PM
@BeastOfCaerbannog No, I gave up on trying to get things pushed back into that repository after seeing that things weren't being merged for several years (i.e., there were open PRs and issues that were open for several years with no activity on the repository). Although, it's definitely improved since Machavity was made a maintainer. That particular change is also a quite notable difference in philosophy between me and the author, which would be necessary to at least discuss in an issue (there may already be one, perhaps closed, I don't recall). I also admit that I see the design as an intended, deliberate, and explicit breach of reasonable security standards, which was very clearly intentional, so I've, mostly, stayed away from the project. IIRC, I was much more conscientious about at least trying to push changes back to that repo prior to Mozilla changing to WebExtensions only, which had the knock-on effect of making maintaining userscripts in repositories substantially harder.
More accurately: Yes, I have a fork, but it's not maintained.

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