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Rebooted at 2023-06-06T01:44:11.609820Z
1 hour later…
3 hours later…
@BeastOfCaerbannog Come to Slackware: no sytemd there and no plans to add it :)
1 hour later…
@andrew.46 hahaha, I have no problem with systemd. But you've convince me to try out Slackware. I'll surely do it when I get a spare machine I can use for testing.
@Levente It finally worked for me as well.
If you want to edit the contents of the csv, you don't have to use some Python script etc. You can just open it with LibreOffice Calc.
The fields of the csv are separated by commas (,), so make sure to use it as a separator under Separator Options.
I would gladly add that as a proper answer under your post, but I'm not sure if this would be breaking of the strike from my part (maybe even commenting on your post can be considered as breaking of the strike)...
I don't believe it breaks the strike, because 1.) it's on meta, 2.) because the topic was very much inspired by the reasons behind the strike and the strike itself.
I believe, having a tool in our hands to save at least our own content, contributes to shifting the power balance to favor us, even if just a tiny bit.
It can lend a fragment of a sense of control, at least over our own intellectual heritage.
Answering that question is just community self-care in the face of negligent tyranny.
4 hours later…
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2 hours later…
@Levente I added a detailed answer. Any suggestions are welcome!
5 hours later…

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