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4 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ip for hostname in body (1): Real VNC installer for Linux won't run on PI4 Ubuntu 23.10‭ by Tboon‭ on askubuntu.com
2 hours later…
@SmokeDetector fp-
@SmokeDetector fp-
2 hours later…
@BeastOfCaerbannog Done...
@andrew.46 Thanks!
1 hour later…
@Natty why
@BeastOfCaerbannog The NAA Value is 4.0. The explanation for the filters is:
2.0 - Contains Blacklisted Word - i need
1.0 - Low Length
0.5 - No Code Block
0.0 - IntelliBL - -0.1
0.5 - Low Rep
@Natty fp
@Natty why
@BeastOfCaerbannog The NAA Value is 4.5. The explanation for the filters is:
2.0 - Contains Blacklisted Word - i need
2.0 - Ends with ?
1.0 - Low Length
0.5 - No Code Block
0.5 - One Line only
1.0 - Piled symbols - !!!
0.0 - IntelliBL - -0.1
0.5 - Low Rep
-3.0 - Self Answer
@Natty fp
@Natty fp
@Natty tp
@Natty tp
@Natty tp
@Natty tp
3 hours later…
@Natty tp
Needs Details Or Clarity - Without the script and more details I don't think that the question is answerable. Data loss after running Bash script creating dirs and moving files‭ - Thomas Rauter‭ 2023-12-01 14:20:39Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): Watching Amazon Prime video HD on ubuntu 20.04‭ by Thiago Flaulhabe‭ on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ip for hostname in body (1): Forticlient VPN stopped working after upgrade to 23.10 ✏️‭ by Pedro Yamaguchi‭ on askubuntu.com
@BeastOfCaerbannog The OP posted the script. Please vote to reopen.
1 hour later…
I added the answer that was posted by the OP in a comment as a CW. Please upvote.
Needs Details Or Clarity fix problem Lomorebie live wallpaper‭ - ZAKARIA SALAHOUELHADJ‭ 2023-11-30 23:27:35Z
Off Topic - No-repro. The OP reinstalled Ubuntu. Upgrade errors on Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04‭ - user60510‭ 2023-11-28 10:55:10Z
Needs Details Or Clarity Uboot cross compilation failed in ubuntu 22.04‭ - salman khan‭ 2023-11-30 05:40:41Z
Please vote to leave open. There is nothing off-topic in this question. The comments below are totally wrong and misleading. Just mentioning an EoL release does not make a question automatically OT.
This question is still a bit unclear, but I voted to leave it open just to give the OP a bit more time. In its original form it was clear that the OP had problem in using the English language, so the comments asking for more clarity wouldn't be of much help, as the OP probably cannot explain the issue much better due to the language barrier.
However, they had tried their best to provide the information that they thought was important: Ubuntu version, kernel version, and even a screenshot. And indeed, this is enough information to get us started in providing some help. After my edit it is obvious that the question is not as bad as it seemed at first. I also added a comment asking for hardware information. I believe that with this additional information (if added) the OP might get a solution.
What I want to say with all these is that before voting to close a question as unclear, we should make an effort and see if there is more information than we can see at first glance. For example, here the screenshot was posted as a link inside the question, but that was visible only if someone would click edit, as the image wasn't embedded properly. And this screenshot was enough to clarify the problem.
In such cases where the OP has language issues, we should try a bit more to see if we can understand and clarify what they wanted to say. If we can understand, we should edit the post ourselves and not wait for the OP, because they most likely cannot do much more. If we cannot understand, OK, it must be a really unclear question and an unclear vote is justified. But in no case should voting to close a question with language issues be our first option without thinking about fixing it a bit more.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ip for hostname in body (1): Forticlient VPN can't be installed on 23.10‭ by Pedro Yamaguchi‭ on askubuntu.com

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