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@nohillside You moved the comments on this Q to chat: Display the bluetooth headset and battery status icons in the iPhone status bar - Ask Different, but I cannot access this chat, or the comments. Could you please add permissions for me to enter this chat? Thank you!
When I click on the link: [chat.stackexchange.com](https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/150023/discussion-on-question-by-timur-shtatland-display-the-bluetooth-headset-and-batt), I get a page with the message: Private Room
The room you are attempting to access is private.

You have requested access to this room; please be patient while the room owners process your request.
I tried to access it every day for the last few days. I keep getting the above message.
3 hours later…
@TAbdiukov: I deleted most of my comments. I left some suggestions. If I could have used Parallels 5-6 for free, then I would have done more testing with my 2007 iMac.
8 hours later…
@nohillside Thank you for re-enabling the comments. All set.

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