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@ryang I am just ping you to make sure that you saw Xander Henderson's response:
12 hours ago, by Xander Henderson
It seems to me that this needs to be discussed on meta. The tools I have tell me that the tag synonym was created in 2018, and "renamed" yesterday (I don't really know what that means). It is very hard to track the history of tags. :/
2 hours later…
@XanderHenderson "The tools I have tell me that the tag synonym was "renamed" yesterday (I don't really know what that means)." Yes yes, I suppose you and I were both misled by the same "renamed" data point, and I now believe that that so-called renaming actually refers to MY action of trying to tag a post as PL resulting in its immediate automatic retagging/"renaming" as FOL.
9 hours later…
The current state of affairs (PL and FOL neither merged nor independent) is very bad: there are many posts tagged PL but not FOL, and currently the MSE search engine won't return them as results (meaning, these posts are harder to get noticed/found) because the system now treats every search for PL as a search for FOL instead. im ok either to merge the two tags or to desynonymise them, but i dont like this limbo status at all.
I'll have to admit that for a long time I was blissfully unaware of the fact that searching for combination of keywords and tags never returns the synonyms; only the master tag.
Compare searching for expressing chain statements with notation, first-order-logic and predicate-logic.
At least such post are returned when searching only with tags: math.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/…
1 hour later…
A new tag . The name was probably intended - the question is whether such a tag is actually useful.
Q: Can we construct a free structure on a non associative algebraic structure.

MANIFor any set we can construct a free group on it. Also for non associative structures like Lie algebra, Lie ring we may construct free structures, but these are non associative structures and having two binary operations among which one is associative. My question is Can we construct a free struc...

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