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Q: Tag synonym, Name change and Reuse proposal for "norm"

BumblebeeThe current use of tag named "norm" is actually meant normed vector spaces. But it is not different from the tag "normed-spaces" Unfortunately, I cannot propose this as a tag-synonym due lack of reputation on this particular tag :). On the other hand, this use can be misleading as we can equip m...

5 hours later…
Aug 26 '18 at 0:31, by quid
Maybe also worth a discussion is an ancient pending syn proposal to .
@quid This one has been brought up on meta now: Tag synonym, Name change and Reuse proposal for “norm”
Jul 25 '18 at 21:30, by Martin Sleziak
@B.Mehta Both tags - and - are rather large. Personally, I do not think that such substantial change should be made without discussing it on meta first.
15 hours later…
@XanderHenderson Hello. amWhy brought me here, I have a small idea about a new tag. Should I write it in here first or immediatly ask on meta?
in Mathematics, Mar 26 at 0:21, by vitamin d
What do you guys think of a new tag: "Catalan's contant"? I think these question have their own style involving very special and often hard series and integrals.
@MartinSleziak Oh wow, where did you find that? I actually want to elaborate and show a few examples of what I mean. I think the best place for this would be on Meta, right?

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