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room topic changed to Tagging: When is specific over specific (no tags)
I believe this meta thread might be relevant for the discussion here.
room topic changed to Tagging: When should a tag be added (no tags)
are removing tags on the table?
Let me just say that I support both (filters) and (compactness).
There are plenty of interesting questions on ultrafilters, Ramsey filters, p-points etc., which could have (filter) tag.
how about number?
There is plenty of interesting questions which are candidates for (compactness).
@Eugene Removing was suggested here. And IIRC the Srivatsan (and perhaps some other users) started to retag questions containing that tag back than.
i've already resolved to drop the issue since i don't really have time (or endurance) to have a prolonged discussion. it's not that big an issue to me anyway.
@MartinSleziak cool at least we can agree on removing number.
See the link above. I understood it has already been agreed upon.
(Sorry, I've forgotten to put the link there, I've edited it now.)
@MartinSleziak right ok then.
i will also help out in the removal of number then
@MartinSleziak i'm confused. there's no tag for computational number theory?
@Eugene Maybe (number-theory) + (algorithms) can be used? (Unless you want to create a new tag.
@MartinSleziak i'll just tag it as number theory then
BTW don't make too much retags at once - so that the front page is not overfilled.
But you were here long enough to know this, I guess.
@MartinSleziak i know. i'm only making two
and only at night right?
Well I don't know about night.
Since MSE users are distributed all over the globe, but Europe and America seem to be prevalent.
@MartinSleziak lol. someone told me to only do it at night but everyone's night is different
I don't think that bumping 2-3 questions to the front page should be an issue.
@MartinSleziak ok then. i should go to sleep now then.
Good night!
i hope i didn't stir up a ruckus.
i apologize if i cause any offense
I don't see why anyone should be offended.
ok then. good night!
@Eugene Just a suggestion for you tag editing.
I think it's good to include the relevant meta thread in edit summary, so that the people who see your edit know what's gogin on.
I was doing so e.g. for algebra retagging, see here.
Of course, in your case the relevant link would be…
@MartinSleziak ok noted. i will from now on. thanks for the info

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