Just going through the questions tagged partial-differential-equations, I saw that many of them are unanswered and have zero upvotes. Is there a good reason why these types of questions are kind of ignored by the community?
Poincaré constant for a ball (circle)
Linearization of PDE:...

At the moment I'm reading some texts on Markov Chains, to learn the subject, and I'm getting the feeling that Math.SE community is not interested/very knowledgeable in this area, when compared to other more theoretical areas. Why is that? Is there a way to solve this?
I do not intend to disrespe...

Inspired by the comparison of programming languages by GitHub and Stack Overflow activity (e.g. this one for 2015) I decided to look at the popularity of mathematical disciplines by using data from both arXiv and MathOverflow (see also my motivation for getting a dump of arXiv metadata). Here it ...
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