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A new tag . Was meant there?
Q: If the difference between two draws from positively skewed distributions is $N(0,1)$, must the variables be correlated?

SnaredThere exists a two dimensional correlated probability distribution which gives $(x,y) \sim D$ such that neither coordinate $x$ nor $y$ are normally distributed, yet their difference $x-y \sim N(0,1)$. What was surprising to me is that the marginal distributions of $x$ and $y$ are the same, and ha...

10 hours later…
Q: If the difference between two draws from positively skewed distributions is $N(0,1)$, must the variables be correlated?

SnaredThere exists a two dimensional correlated probability distribution which gives $(x,y) \sim D$ such that neither coordinate $x$ nor $y$ are normally distributed, yet their difference $x-y \sim N(0,1)$. What was surprising to me is that the marginal distributions of $x$ and $y$ are the same, and ha...

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