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A new tag was created, and added to 4 questions, by Rodrigo de Azevedo.
Note that there is already a tag
I haven't heard about this notion before.
The Birkhoff polytope Bn, also called the assignment polytope, the polytope of doubly stochastic matrices, or the perfect matching polytope of the complete bipartite graph K n , n {\displaystyle K_{n,n}} , is the convex polytope in RN (where N = n²) whose points are the doubly stochastic matrices, i.e., the n × n matrices whose entries are non-negative real numbers and whose rows and columns each add up to 1. == Properties == === Vertices === The Birkhoff polytope has ...
2 hours later…
There are now 15 questions, and a tag excerpt.
When I looked before the tag-excerpt was empty. (Or I did not notice it.) math.stackexchange.com/posts/3333634/revisions

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