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A new tag [tag:jb-algebra} was created by C.Ding.
Q: recommended books on JB-algebra

C.DingI want to find a self-contained book on JB-algebras, just like Murphy's book on C*-algebra. Any suggestion?

In mathematics, Jordan operator algebras are real or complex Jordan algebras with the compatible structure of a Banach space. When the coefficients are real numbers, the algebras are called Jordan Banach algebras. The theory has been extensively developed only for the subclass of JB algebras. The axioms for these algebras were devised by Alfsen, Schultz & Størmer (1978). Those that can be realised concretely as subalgebras of self-adjoint operators on a real or complex Hilbert space with the operator Jordan product and the operator norm are called JC algebras. The axioms for complex Jordan operator...
It seems to me that the existing tags and perhaps also might be suitable for that question.
3 hours later…
has an active post recently, but it only has 8 questions and no wiki yet.
8 hours later…
A: Tag management 2019

GNUSupporter 8964民主女神 地下教會Proposal: pluralise alternative-proof. Reasons: It's a convention to have pluralised tag names if possible. A proposition sometimes have multiple proofs.

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