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3:59 AM
How is not the same as ?
1 hour later…
5:28 AM
What is ?
1 hour later…
6:57 AM
I've posted my suggestion to synonymize with on Tag management 2019
7:11 AM
A: Tag management 2019

YuiTo ChengProposal: synonymize euler-method with eulers-method Notice that they are indeed different tags, as the former has user guidance, the latter doesn't. But they are essentially the same thing, i.e. a numerical method to solve first-order first-degree differential equations with a given initial val...

4 hours later…
11:03 AM
Possibly is intended for questions about Gorenstein rings. The tag seems to be about Cohen–Macaulay rings - this one has at least tag-excerpt.
These tags are from area that I know almost nothing about - so it's unlikely that I would be able to give a reasonable advice about them.
11:38 AM
On MO they have a tag (cohen-macaulay-rings). I do not see a Gorenstein-related tagname there.
3 hours later…
2:40 PM
Maybe user26857 in this answer is familiar with this.
And why is this?
2:53 PM
A new tag is created. I copy-pasted the tag excerpt and tag wiki from MO. I don't know if the new tag can survive.

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