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Dec 13 at 0:34, by Martin Sleziak
Should we create a separate tag for questions discussed topics like this? (I.e., specific areas of mathematics and the question whether there are sufficiently many experts, enough activity on MSE, whether this particular area is underrepresented on this site.) However, I cannot think of a good name for such tag. (And I am not entirely sure it is needed.)
I have added and to both questions. A separate tag probably is not needed.
But the question whether we should make a more general meta post remains.
Q: Is Math.SE lacking in the area of Stochastic Processes?

An old man in the sea.At the moment I'm reading some texts on Markov Chains, to learn the subject, and I'm getting the feeling that Math.SE community is not interested/very knowledgeable in this area, when compared to other more theoretical areas. Why is that? Is there a way to solve this? I do not intend to disrespe...

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