Find the equation of the plane through the point $(1,2,2)$ that cuts off the smallest possible volume
This ends up turning into minimizing the volume of a three sided pyramid subject to the constraint of my plane.
Vol of pyramid = $\frac{1}{6}abc$
eqn of plane $-bc(x-1) + ac(y-2)-ab(z-2) = 0$
Lagrangian set up: $1/6[bc, ac, ab] = \lambda[c(y-3) - b(z-3), -c(x-1) - a(z-2), -b(x-1) + a(y-2)]$
Using the ratios I got an expression for $a$: $a = \frac{-(x-1)b}{(y-2)}$ from which I put this in the constraint and solved for $c$, $c = \frac{b(z-2)}{2(y-2)}$.