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@cmw Understood.
@Cerberus The Sun may be down nmarket but it's good at catching the public mood (except in Liverpool) and fanning the flames. The Sun has no political loyalty; they guess the winner of the next election and support that party. With other papers, the reader must be aware of the political bias. Murdoch is anti-monarchy and that is reflected in his publications. Do you read British papers--why?
8 hours later…
@tony Very low quality it is. Not something to emulate.
Some crazy polarised newspapers.
2 hours later…
@JoonasIlmavirta If they stick to the way these stories usually go, it'll become more serious as it goes and the children will become less childish; a definite bildungsroman even if they don't actually grow up.
@Adam That's happened consistently with the many Star Wars animated series. One way to see it is to think that the series grow up along with their viewers. Another way is to note that deeper themes are easier to explore once some foundations are in place.
@JoonasIlmavirta That's true. This one starts off so... "juvenile" that it feels like the change will be more pronounced. I think that's what struck me the most is this felt much more like watching a kids' program as compared to other Star Wars media with a main cast that includes children.
I'm also curious to see how this fits in with the broader Mandalorian storyline as well. At some point, Mando, Ahsohka, and this should all converge into something else, right?
@Adam I don't know how many of the storylines will converge, but some surely will.
@Adam An aspect of having to grow up quickly is imminent in the setting of the story. But I hope the characters actually grow as we go along, at least for a possible second season.

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