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@tony Which papers were those?
British newspapers have a certain reputation.
8 hours later…
@Adam I've had a chance to see it.
3 hours later…
@Cerberus I've looked into this, the "Sun" started it before the 1987 general election (Thatcher's last victory); it was taken up by the "Daily Mail" (the "Daily Fascist") & was even mentioned in "The Times"; yes, yer actual "TIMES" would you believe it?" "The Times" with its Oxford English & erudite ways. And you guys think I'm an extremist nut....I just have strongly-held views, don't you?
4 hours later…
@JoonasIlmavirta What did you think? I'm guessing there's going to be some ire in the fan community of over the tone since it's very much in line with kids films from the previous century. That's not a problem for me, but the fan base is so very fickle.
2 hours later…
@Adam Well, if one is angry when a story doesn't match their personal vision of the future of the franchise, I wouldn't assign any blame to the creators.
I like that they're putting different genres into the galaxy, even though this one isn't my favorite.
It was interesting and I'll watch all of it, but so far it seems to be my least favorite live action show within the franchise. That doesn't mean I hate it; in that case I wouldn't watch it just for the sake of completionism.
The story itself is very interesting so far, and the quality of production is great.
1 hour later…
@JoonasIlmavirta That's the most interesting part so far; what is At Attin, why is it a secret from the Galaxy and vice versa, etc.
I'm not super keen on the 80s adventure movie approach but it's not enough to deter me from watching.
@Adam Well put. That's pretty exactly my sentiment.
1 hour later…
@tony Wasn't The Times bought by some far-right person long ago?
@tony My strongly-held beliefs are typically value-oriented or otherwise based on facts. That's why I asked if you had the facts. I'm not British, nor was I able to pay attention to politics in the 70s, so that's why I asked.
The other two papers are known for a certain...quality, aren't they?
Surely you wouldn't want to be known to speak like The Sun?
@Cerberus Oh, look, it was bought by Rupert Murdoch in 1981.
Who else.

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