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@JoonasIlmavirta "Quite reliably" seems a bit of a stretch, but, yes, some names' popularity comes and goes with time.
4 hours later…
@Cerberus In Finland the effect seems to be pretty strong and to apply to many names. I don't think I've seen it quite like that anywhere else, but it could be just my ignorance.
From my first name you can reasonably guess that I was born between 1980 and 2000.
The first two names that popped up in my mind.
And one that means you're born after 2000, probably after 2005.
Interesting! The effects are well visible, but perhaps not as sharp with some Finnish names.
The Finnish data includes all given names. The distribution for the first one is different from that of middle names.
@JoonasIlmavirta There will probably exist sharper names too.
I just picked the first ones I could think of.
Another random name.
Is it really so much less sharp than your name?
2 hours later…
@tony You know these answers. Please wish us luck.
3 hours later…
@JoonasIlmavirta Does a twenty-year timeframe make for good guesswork? Your career position/ experience tell me that you are 30--close?
@cmw Certainly!
2 hours later…
@Cerberus That one is indeed sharp.
My name isn't the sharpest one, but very typical.
@tony Sure, but you know more than just the name. My whole point is that in Finland you can guess a person's age surprisingly well from name alone.
People on tenure track tend to be between 30 and 40 here (and in most other countries, I think), so with career information the guesswork is easier.

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