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@JoonasIlmavirta Aren't you curious about what AI can (or can't) do?
5 hours later…
@tony Not that much. I hear enough from others and I don't have great needs for such tools now. It's certainly possible that I give it a go when a use case emerges.
People have lived with great success before the advent of AI, so I don't see why everyone should jump on that wagon.
2 hours later…
@JoonasIlmavirta People lived with great success before the inception of computers. If you do have a dabble you may find that the wagon lacks a full complement of wheels. Today, inadequate; tomorrow?
3 hours later…
@tony If the wagon seems to be going great places in great comfort and style, I can hop on. We're not there now, and I'll gladly leave getting there to those with several helpings more enthusiasm towards it.

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