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@cmw Still can't use them with the app, but Memrise set up a subdomain specifically for all the community courses: community-courses.memrise.com/dashboard
6 hours later…
@Adam Small sliver of hope that it'll be preserved, but so many are garbage there's little hope that they will ever be cleaned up.
@cmw True. Later I may see how it goes in a mobile browser; as long as it's been optimized okay for mobile the experience will be basically the same. It might even be better depending on how it handles ads.
The use of definite articles in Greek and Italian is so weird to me when it comes to the name of a person.
ειναι Ο Αδαμ
I'm sure this is my native English influencing me, but it feels so superfluous.
Maybe it's just that we don't use proper articles in English except for using an indefinite article for emphasis with proper nouns.
@Adam What's crazy to me is that it o h to developed into the relative article rather quickly. It's originally a demonstrative (and survives as a relative in some forms).
Here's the Smyth sections on its development and use: perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/…
@cmw Weird, I'd almost think it would make more sense for it to develop in the reverse direction.

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