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You could tell the class of those who wrote that law.
@Adam What is suposed to be sue?
@cmw What do you mean?
@Dolphínus A person who fails to pay back a loan.
@JoonasIlmavirta I mean what is supposed to mean the word sue in the roman times?
@Dolphínus Are you looking for an English translation of the Latin word "sue" or a Latin translation of the English word "sue"? I assume you mean the latter.
@JoonasIlmavirta Whatever @Adam means with sue?
@Dolphínus The rich wrote it.
@Dolphínus Demandar.
@cmw I found weird the use of this word, in conjuction with punishments, I expected some sutileza in this.
@cmw Could you send that socialist bullshit to the trash were it deserve to be.
@Dolphínus Calling what I said socialist proves you have no idea what the word means.
Also, go read a book on ancient Roman history while you're at it.
@cmw I mean socialist to the connotations of saying that "Loan defaults carried severe penalties, as their borrowers could be enslaved, mutilated, or sued.[68]" means that the rich wrote it. Which are clearly socialist.
No relation with the word demandar
@Dolphínus First, the rich wrote the laws in ancient Rome. This is indisputable. Early Rome was heavily based on class, and the patricians, who held the law-making power in early Rome, held the wealth. This isn't socialist, it's simple Roman history.
Do you think the Succession of the Plebs in the early 5th century BCE was influenced by Marx?
@cmw I never say that the facts of roman history are socialist or whatever you think. I sad the the way in which you speaked the facts has socialist connotations.
Second, l thought the Spanish word "demandar" means "to sue." Does it not?
@cmw Marx did not created socialist, It was Plato
@Dolphínus Saying the rich wrote the laws is not socialist.
@cmw It does
@Dolphínus I'm not going to argue with someone as clueless as you. No thanks.
@Dolphínus It's not a matter of opinion, political or otherwise, that it was the richest Greeks and Romans that wrote their laws.
@JoonasIlmavirta I never say anything of that, I just said that the tone of the narration of the facts feels like is saying that the law is evil and therefore demostrates that the rich wrote the law.
because evil only can come from the rich
@Dolphínus I don't understand that statement, and I certainly don't accept it as a premise.
@JoonasIlmavirta Nevermind
Anyway someone can explain to me if there is a subtlety in the mention of the legal process in conjunction with the punishments?
@Dolphínus Consider this discussion over on my behalf.
@JoonasIlmavirta ???
2 hours later…
@Dolphínus I just quoted from the Wikipedia article. Sue in this case likely means the same as it does in modern US law: filing a lawsuit against another party.
14 hours later…
There as an roman affix to able?
5 hours later…
@cmw: Any thoughts on Henry Kissinger?

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