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6:33 AM
@SebastianKoppehel That one occurred to me after I wrote the first response. It's not a very common swear word.
But there may well be people who use it with greater frequencies.
@Cairnarvon I'm not sure being obsessed with something makes one any good at it. Just recall some of the users you've seen on this site...
4 hours later…
10:43 AM
It turns out I've written exactly one thousand answers on this site now.
2 hours later…
12:29 PM
@JoonasIlmavirta Did you notice the irony--obsessive users--I've written 1000 answers? English humour at its finest. Seriously, why did you feel a need to announce this? There are two possible schools-of-thought: in America people are expected to announce their achievements; here, exact opposite, we are to keep quiet about them and let reputation do the talking. You are a top man in your field, physics & maths and pretty good at Latin; therefore, your reputation stands tall.
@JoonasIlmavirta Obsessive users e.g?
2 hours later…
2:10 PM
@tony Users that are obsessed over a specific field or a specific point of view. Being passionate about Latin is fine, shouting one's opinions in others' faces isn't.
I'm not going to name any names here.
1 hour later…
3:10 PM
@JoonasIlmavirta I didn't expect you to, just one of my silly jokes. I can think of a few candidates. I won't name them lest they still read CHAT. Seriously, there's a fine line between passion and obsession; I've been accused of overdoing things. When it's pointed out, people can return to reality....And good sense.

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