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I prefer tattoo questions to questions asking us to second-guess LLM hallucinations without disclosing that's what they are, but you know.
We could use more literature questions in general.
@Cairnarvon I agree with this.
Maybe I should type some out.
4 hours later…
@Cerberus So do I. Please do!
@Cairnarvon I agree. My impression at first was that this was about locating a real thing. The LLM element makes it so that the only lesson is that they do indeed hallucinate.
3 hours later…
@JoonasIlmavirta That's why I wanted that on record, though. Now there's an "official" answer we can point to if anyone uses LLMs for Latin lit in the future.
I'm also just happy to use an author for something more than a grammatical peculiarity or word choice. More literature questions would be grand.
@cmw That makes sense. Having one canonical answer (with a broad enough take) and closing any new ones as duplicates sounds like a solid plan.
@cmw Agreed, literature hasn't had enough visibility of late.
3 hours later…
@Joonas: Have you tried asking a bot to do a difficult maths question? If so, what happened?
5 hours later…
@tony No, I haven't used the new AI tools for anything.

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