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@Adam Given how clear the score is now, can you accept the top answer here? We're trying to go forward with implementation.
@cmw Pronouns of various kinds turning into articles over time feels pretty natural. There's a slight tendency to that in Finnish, too, but we're not close requiring articles.
I wonder if this is a development simply within Finnish or substantially influenced by English and other prevalent languages having articles. I'm not at all sure how one could even tell.
2 hours later…
@JoonasIlmavirta Done,
2 hours later…
@Adam Thanks!
3 hours later…
@JoonasIlmavirta I looked, but I don't see any indication in either Lewis and Short or in the OLD that recludere is specifically used for unlocking anything, whereas reserare is. That "unlock" element is why I would recommend reserare over recludere. — cmw ♦ 3 hours ago
@cmw To continue on that, I always thought that claudere relates to clavis and means to lock more than to close. That's why I thought that recludere would be to unlock. But my premise may of course be way off. It's something I've never thought of carefully.

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