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Curious - do any of you know of anywhere hiring remote roles for customer success manager, support specialist, help content writer, or things like that? My wife was laid off earlier this year but the job market isn't great.
@Adam I'm sorry to hear that! I have hiring interests, but I assume she doesn't hold a PhD in math...
And we can't hire remotely. She'd have to be in Finland before we could start paying.
@JoonasIlmavirta Not being in Finland and not having a PhD in math do seem to be nonstarters.
She's gotten a couple of interviews so far, one all the way to a final panel, etc, but both opted for other candidates. I'll keep searching. At least there are a lot more remote roles than there were in the past.
If my income was high enough I wouldn't be too concerned, but I don't earn enough alone to cover our mortgage and other expenses. I've also been trying to break into front-end engineering because the pay is higher, but there aren't that many junior-level roles since many are being replaced by AI-assist.
I don't think that's very scalable or forward-thinking, but not many people see the long picture...
@Adam Many go with the hype instead of having a solid plan for the longer term.
@Adam It's definitely rough right now. I think the market will shake out soon though. Hoping, at least...
@JoonasIlmavirta This has long been my biggest gripe with the way business is set up these days. No foresight at all.
1 hour later…
@cmw Yea. In the meantime I've been trying to move around our financial resources a bit to maximize the time frame available to find something. We own our home and refinanced right before COVID so we have a stupidly low interest rate. Extra reasons to want to avoid having to sell and move somewhere.
@cmw I think you could actually chart out what happens with an org as it becomes larger and larger, and needs to start adding extra roles that mostly just support it being as large as it is. All the while, the speed of the innovation of the org begins to decline as more people spend more time on process.
@JoonasIlmavirta Interestingly, with engineering in specific a recent study found that not only was AI assist not saving time or speeding up development, it was also introducing more bugs. Nevermind that AI isn't going to innovate, think critically, or most importantly, creatively.
4 hours later…
@Adam Is there a collection of such studies somewhere? I feel like I might have to make that point to someone sooner than I'd like.
@JoonasIlmavirta Here's the article, and here's the study that it references.

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