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2:43 AM
> The ancient Romans whitened their teeth using toothpaste made from human urine and goat milk.
Well then.
3:39 AM
@Adam You should see how they bleached their togas...
4:29 AM
@cmw Somehow I suspect I'd rather not.
3 hours later…
7:45 AM
@cmw In the TV mini-series, "Caesar" (2002), the togas were, perhaps accurately, a dirty-grey colour, indicating the difficulty in cleaning them. I'm not sure that urine is a very effective bleaching agent, though it was the only one they had. How was the smell of the stale urine removed from the clothing?
@Adam Bad breath and rotting teeth were endemic in the Roman World (always ignored by Hollywood movies); pretty much everywhere until the second-half of the C20th. The "toothpaste" that you recommend may have been ineffective? A good dentist could have made a fortune, then. Here, today, some people pull-out their own bad teeth, with pliers, because they can't afford dentists!
9 hours later…
5:18 PM
@Cerberus Even with the Roman mumbling with his mouth full of instruments?
@Cerberus Latin is very efficient with that: Hia!
6 hours later…
11:17 PM
Salvete. There is a passage I've encountered some time ago, I remember some reveling details but still can't find it using PHI with some key words. Is that a question for the chat or forum?
if I'm already here, another Q: S.E some time ago (maybe 2 months) decided to change the auto-generated avatar for some users; mine was once brown (still can be seen in the network-profile. I would like the original avatar to be restored. This is annoying as there are now (I think I saw 2 others) with the same avatar as me; (and also c.m.w I think I saw another user with the same avatar post S.E change) - I don't recall ever seeing two users share the same avatar prior to this S.E change.
11:53 PM
@d_e You can try here first, if you like.
Especially if it's something small.
@d_e I noticed this, too. I have no idea why fdb and I (and I think a third person) have the same avatar. Here's how to get the old one back, but as you can see, it's not recommended.
I've been meaning just to upload something completely different, as I do miss my old blue one and dislike this purple abomination.

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