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There is a los/less affix in latin?
1 hour later…
@Dolphínus Yes. Consider for example amens, literally "mindless".
I think there are several affixes or derivations with a similar effect.
@JoonasIlmavirta Wiki gives "amens" as "frenzied"/"mad; it's a bit like "rabies", then? Did the Romans pronounce this the way we do, "raybeez"?
@Joonas: I understand that Finland is having problems with migrants from various places, crossing over from Russia? Hope your government is more effective than ours at dealing with illegal immigration.
@tony It doesn't refer to a medical condition but a state of mind, so I don't think "rabies" is a good description. Plenty of things can make a person mad.
No, the Latin pronunciation of "rabies" was quite different from the English one. The R and the B are the only things that go right, the vowels and the last consonant are off.
@tony Yes, that appears to be an issue these days, but I haven't followed the details.
@JoonasIlmavirta For example how you would use it for make the word friendless?
in latin*
@Dolphínus Might want to use the Greek instead.
The equivalent in Latin could have been abamicus, but it's not a word.
@Dolphínus I don't know. There are many ways to derive such words, so it isn't as straightforward as with the English -less.
@cmw There's also exsanguis, suggesting examicus/eximicus, but it's not a thing.
I wonder if there's something to negate other adjectives, like barbatus > *imbarbatus.
The Greek a- seems to be much more productive than any Latin alternative.
Maybe this should be turned into a question on the site. @Dolphínus, do you mind if I do so?
I mean, technically inimicus is in + amicus, but it doesn't really mean friendless per se.
@cmw I know, and I included that example in the question as a danger. That in- is cognate with the Greek a- if memory serves me well.
@JoonasIlmavirta neither in spanish.

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