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12:56 PM
@iammilind falsehood of existence = unreal
@Pandya, may be true, but MithyA doesn't mean "Falsehood of existence". It just means "Incorrect" or "False"
@iammilind by the way which languages do you know?
I know Sanskrit in parts for the matter of this Q. Besides that, English, Hindi, Gujarati.
Though I live in Bangalore for 10+ years, my native is in Rajkot, Gujarat. However, let's skip this part in chat, as it may not be relevant with this room.
@iammilind do you live in Gujarat?
अद्वैतमत के अनुसार जगत मिथ्या है। जिस प्रकार स्वप्न जूठे होते हैं तथा अँधेरे में रस्सी को देखकर सांप का भ्रम होता है, उसी प्रकार इस भ्रान्ति, अविद्या, अज्ञान के कारण ही जीव, इस मिथ्या संसार को सत्य मान रहा है।
@iammilind I am just asking about language because I probably can't translate Sanskrit (specially spiritual) words in English exactly (btw, for me : Languages known : Gujarati, Hindi & English)
1:14 PM
@Pandya, good finding. So here you yourself can see that it suggests "illusion", & not "non-existence". The meaning of "unreal" means, you and me chatting is not real. The meaning of "unworthy" means, the seriousness involved in our chatting is not worth. Our true nature is with Brahman, so whatever we do as Jeeva actually doesn't account or matter.

Do you feel that, you and me are not real?
1. If NO: Then MithyA doesn't mean "unreal"
2. If YES: Then everything is "unreal". That means, the meaning of "MithyA = unreal" is also "unreal"!
2 (YES)
So that means, you and me are "unreal". How can I trust you, if you are "unreal"? :-) Even if I somehow trust, how it will be accounted, because I am also "unreal"!

Anyways, these arguments are just to put a quick end to a supposed debate between us. It will be helpful to find some translation source where "MithyA = Unreal". For now, I don't see any place.

For now I will leave this room. However I look forward for an edit in your answer, which supports your claim.
@iammilind I read wrongly. Actually I want to say 1 NO
Let me discuss/share some scriptural reference:
@Pandya, that means "MithyA" is NOT "unreal". If that is the case then you can edit your answer. As of now your answer suggest opposite.

Let me rephrase the above Q:
Do you feel that, you and me are "unreal"?
1. If NO: Then MithyA doesn't mean "unreal"
2. If YES: Then everything is "unreal". That means, the meaning of "MithyA = unreal" is also "unreal"!

Keep in mind that, I am not against what Shankara told or Upanishada-s say. The main concern is about "ENGLISH TRANSLATION".
Kena Upanishad 1-3, 1-4, 1-5
@iammilind ok I will try to clarify some ENGLISH TRANSLATION. btw my concern is what Upanishada-s say
what upanishads say is more concerned that what Shankara told (tldr;)
By the way, Read once abot Advaita Vedanta:
वेदान्त ज्ञानयोग की एक शाखा है जो व्यक्ति को ज्ञान प्राप्ति की दिशा में उत्प्रेरित करता है। इसका मुख्य स्त्रोत उपनिषद है जो वेद ग्रंथो और अरण्यक ग्रंथों का सार समझे जाते हैं। उपनिषद् वैदिक साहित्य का अंतिम भाग है, इसीलिए इसको वेदान्त कहते हैं। कर्मकांड और उपासना का मुख्यत: वर्णन मंत्र और ब्राह्मणों में है, ज्ञान का विवेचन उपनिषदों में। 'वेदान्त' का शाब्दिक अर्थ है - 'वेदों का अंत' (अथवा सार)। वेदान्त की तीन शाखाएँ जो सबसे ज्यादा जानी जाती हैं वे हैं: अद्वैत वेदान्त, विशिष्ट अद्वैत और द्वैत। आदि शंकराचार्य, रामानुज और श्री मध्वाचार्य जिनको क्रमश: इन तीनो शाखाओं का प्रवर्तक माना जाता है, इनके अल...
And translate yourself in English with the words in which you understand it better
@iammilind do you've Upanishads
If not, then I recommend " Ishadi Nau Upanishada" (Book code:1421) which contains 9 Upanishad in a single book from Gita Press. Plus "Chhandogyopanishad" (Book code:582) and "Brihadaranyakopanishad" (Book code:577). i.e completes Mukhya Upanishads. All listed are in Sanskrit with Hindi translation. (you can search here)

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