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12:19 AM
Crap, wrong image, but I'm back on this project. That's old code. This time I'm working backend then doing GUI dev later. So rn modelling Proof, Statement, DiagramSketch etc as Neo4j (graph database) models.
I even have a canonicalizing KaTeX formula parser, because getting math to work without expression trees is highly bug prone
It's called ArrowGlue ๐Ÿ’˜ this time
Basically proofs will be constructed mostly from community-specified theorems. You can draw givens, apply theorems, definitions. A few builtin requirements are substitution and gluing and auto-populating buttons about what to substitute. Mobile friendly already halfway works with Quiver, but it will come officially in a later release.
Ambroise Lafont (professor) from ANR coREACT is currently contributing. His design of the notion of "diagrammatic proofs" differs from mine, so I think I'm going to code this out and see how we can encode his formal system using my formal system, which should be possible.
It's independent of ANR coREACT, but we have open-communication of ideas since we're not capitalist ๐Ÿ—
Who would pay for such a tool anyway, let me see... no one!!! Therefore it has to be powered by donations for the Neo4j hosting power.
30 dollars @ McDonalds, but not $5 to spare for many man-years of software effort? I stopped caring... Math is better without monetary bounties anyway as the MSE community has pointed out. I think it would be a great tool for university students to use to help them learn diagram chasing and possibly as a standard reference.
That's why KaTeX delimiters of $ and double dollar-sign are perfect. Because there's no money in math :)
12:53 AM
Uh... What?
i think the TAM for "diagram chasing software" might not be anywhere near as large as you think it is
even if it's potentially useful for or at least interesting to a number of people that one might consider 'large' in some other sense
side note, it's also somewhat easier to follow software projects (and their developers) through their various versionings and developments when they don't change their name every 6 weeks
2 hours later…
3:07 AM
@leslietownes I have no label. My latest label on MSE is to protect my privacy. I was catfished again or near-catfished. So this time doesn't count. It was for privacy reasons.
@XanderHenderson I guess for some people software grows on trees
Don't get smaht :|
@leslietownes basically, Ambroise et all took a liking to my YT videos when they were up on my diagram chaser pre-attempts. They were all focused on diagram editor and GUI, so when time it came to put together the gray area of "logic engine". I'm clueless. This time however, I've got it designed out to where we might see a proof of Snake Lemma in the first month of fully-functional release.
What is proof? There's no strict definition, so it's all about how we present it on the site. I preferably like blank screen (powerpoint like) presentation with as little content as possible. The Discord people are on the opposite end of that preference spectrum.
I can't stand Discord!
as UX / UI guy
Okay there do exist some reasonable and strict definitions, however, mine is still kind of Wing it as I go along. There's always some advantage to seeing what your tech stack can actually handle algorithm wise before nailing down the final design
I ran into many issues with Neo4j's cypher caps.
But worked around them now
My definition of proof is if you can show it to some non-empty subset of accredited mathematicians, and they say yep that proves it to me. Then that is a proof. What about visual proofs of geometric identities? See it's very broad and what I meant to say is there's no all-emcompassing definition of proof.
If it works logically and people aren't deriving paradoxes too often, then I will be happy with the software. I think proof theory can be done relative to an area of math, so though our software is expressive enough to break in some area, or be too cludgy, not responsive enough, then we just say it's "geared for this other area of math."
But I'm trying to even support elementary expressions i.e. $f(x) \in R[x]$ but written out in any form that is common (like WolframAlpha or Geogebra input). But since it will be a proof engine. You can define your own rules that aren't too complicated. Because proofs are stored to the database, you can jump ahead once the database reaches a healthy size. Why step through what's already been both human and computer proof checked?
And if something simply can't be expressed, then you add it as an Axiom and that's it.
But the system is geared towards diagram-heads
So not for doing the analysis of twin prime theory, though you could try for basic stuff.
There's also stricter subclasses of Textual + Diagrammatic languages. These are more theoretically backed and so possess important properties the higher up more rigorous math requires. Mines more like a human-curated site.
After all, we can try to beautify the diagram that is the "Gluing" of two commuting diagrams along a common subdiagram, but the human is always going to want to touch it up as it's much easier to have that feature than to figure out how to beautify perfectly.
CD's are under-represented in math as far as listing of their properties formally. So substitution, gluing are best built-into-the backend code (hardcoded in a sense), while Functor of a triangle can be shown to the user as a username:Standard Library rule. You would have to apply this functor repeatedly and re-glue backtogether the various triangles to form the shape your after. That makes me want to make Functor also have built-in component.
As you can see you run into stuff actually just doing it than if you were to 100% plan ahead and no code until 100% designed.
Thata way you can functor a diagram with one-click instead of the fundamental crap (relative math!)
Functoring being in every-other paragraph of an arrow theory book
3:36 AM
Carrots are very inspiring
jakobian: some prefer sticks
3:53 AM
@leslietownes that's brilliant. Fish sticks!
5 hours later…
9:01 AM
I found a post from a comp, which is not supposed to be shared (very strict rules), is there any way to take it down so the comp is fair for everybody?
Flagged it, hopefully its the right thing to do
9:16 AM
@Jakobian I am curious, I claimed that $E[X_1\mid X_1+\ldots+X_n=x]=\frac{x}{n}$ if $X_1,\ldots,X_n$ are all iid, but do we require independence? Your argument following that message, i.e. showing $E[X_i\mid X_1+\ldots+X_n] = E[X_j\mid X_1+\ldots+X_n]$, seemed to only require identically distributed.
4 hours later…
12:48 PM
@Jakobian I don't see what this has to do with principal bundles, you can do it generally for fiber bundles. The fundamental group (in fact, the entire fundamental groupoid) acts on the fibers up to homotopy (meaning an action in the naive homotopy category of spaces). A covering space is a fiber bundle with discrete fibers and then the maps determined up to homotopy are in fact uniquely determined, so we obtain an action in the category of spaces.
1:44 PM
err, I should've said fibration, not fiber bundle (the latter implies the former under mild conditions, tho)
1 hour later…
3:14 PM
@psie seems so
3:35 PM
If you can sum the Riemann zeta function in a certain way so that the real part becomes the cosine function and the imaginary part becomes the sine function, isn't that a hint of undecidability since the riemann zeta function is a sum of sine and cosine waves?
3:53 PM
Q: Does this normalization of the Riemann zeta function make sense?

Mats GranvikFor $c=0$ the following should be true for the $n$-th Gram point: $$\frac{x}{2 \pi e}\log\left(\frac{x}{2 \pi e}\right) = \frac{x}{2 \pi e}\log \left(\frac{x}{2 \pi e}\right) + \frac{-c+n}{e}-\frac{\vartheta (x)}{\pi e}$$ and for $c=\frac{1}{2}$ it should be true for the $n$-th complementary Gra...

@MatsGranvik you mean sum to $e^{ix}$?
@Jakobian Yes.
I'd say, why would it be a sign of anything?
These are chopped parts of the imaginary parts of the Riemann zeta function rescaled and superimposed:
Take the average of the family of curves and you get this:
Sign or hint of undecidability of the Riemann hypothesis.
You summed zeta in a certain way which means literally nothing by itself.
the question of if it can even imply anything, I highly doubt so, but maybe that can be discussed
"Can this imply X?" is a bad question to ask
its more that one sees some kind of argument work, and then they provide both the question and an answer to it
4:33 PM
Potatoes are better than Tomatoes.
@ๅ†ฅ็Ž‹Hades By what metric?
(Also, you're wrong.)
@XanderHenderson euclidean metric
@XanderHenderson Via the simple fact that you can make french fries out of them.
4:50 PM
@ๅ†ฅ็Ž‹Hades I like potatos but I also like tomatos for different reasons
for example, pizza, spaghetti, those wouldn't be possible without tomatos
Might as well add pineapple to them
I don't mind pineapple on pizza
pineapple on spaghetti, I never tried
Pineapple, Canadian bacon, and jalapeños are the perfect pizza.
@Jakobian I have made pasta sauce with pineapple. I thought it was good.
I have come to terms with the fact that whatever wild, obscure food idea I can think of, is probably someone's dinner tonight
@Jakobian Also, I've had lots of pizzas without tomatos.
And lots of spaghetti.
4:55 PM
Pizza sauce without tomatoes? Color me impressed.
My favorite thing to do with spaghetti is carbonara---eggs, cream, parm, bacon, and lots and lots of pepper. No tomatos.
@XanderHenderson paper....?
@XanderHenderson pasta of Rome
@ๅ†ฅ็Ž‹Hades There are "white" pizzas which use an alfredo sauce, and pizza with pesto.
@ๅ†ฅ็Ž‹Hades Hrm?
@XanderHenderson You put paper in spaghetti?
4:57 PM
@ๅ†ฅ็Ž‹Hades What are you talking about?
In any event, do these gas lights look dim to you?
@XanderHenderson Funny, they do
@XanderHenderson I'll be the italian that complains about food. The intersection between the ingredients you listed and those that go into a carbonara is nonempty, but small
@AlessandroCodenotti Who said it was Italian?
I am familiar with the dish that Italians call "carbonara", but that is an Italian word used in Italy. I am using the English word "carbonara", in the US. It is a completely different thing.
Just like "pizza" means something different in English and Italian, and most Chinese dishes sold in the US bear little resemblance to the originals.
Per Wikipedia, the only thing I do different is add some cream (which is there to help temper the eggs, because I am lazy---it is only a very small quantity).
5:16 PM
@XanderHenderson yeah I know there are such spaghetti's I used to eat some with cream instead of this version of carbonara
and I know its not traditional and totally different but eh...
oh you mentioned the one with cream
@XanderHenderson never ate one
@XanderHenderson some Italians object to call it carbonara
I do like bolognese as well, not just carbonara
and by that I mean spaghetti pasta with tomato concentrate/passata and basil and stuff
with pieces of those type of plasters of ham you can buy in shop for your sandwiches
its simple, it tastes good
I only eat: ๐Ÿ• + ๐Ÿ
that's a crime :(
I suppose eating spaghetti bolognese however one wants isn't a crime because its not even an Italian dish
5:49 PM
@Pizza Yum!
6:27 PM
@Sahaj ๐Ÿ˜‹
Q: Is my understanding of the solution to this problem on conditional probability correct?

Thomas FinleyIn the card game bridge, the 52 cards are dealt equally to 4 playersโ€”called East, West, North, and South. If North and South have a total of 8 spades among them, what is the probability that East has 3 of the remaining 5 spades? Solution: To find the desired probability, we use a reduced sample s...

Can anyone help me with this?
6:54 PM
I can't seem to get chatjax on iphone, whats the trick?
wait nvm i think i got it
7:38 PM
I am working the following problem:
> Two points are chosen uniformly and independently on the perimeter of a circle of radius $1$. This divides the perimeter into two pieces. Determine the expected value of the length of the shorter piece.
I'm not sure how to even start. I know this is about order statistics somehow, but I don't know how to define them in this problem. Any ideas?
It seems to me that there are a bunch of simplifications you can make. First, the position of the first point doesn't matter a bit. So you might as well assume that it is at the top.
Second, by symmetry, you can assume that the second point is chosen uniformly from a specific half of the circle (starting from the first point).
So the problem becomes the expected value of a number chosen uniformly in $[0,\pi]$.
oh wow, that does sound much simpler, cool :)
symmetry is lovely!
thanks, by the way
8:08 PM
could someone help me with this : $y''+y=e^x \cdot \sin(x) + x$
9:07 PM
@BinkyMcSquigglebottom Are you still here?
9:51 PM
@XanderHenderson You're all conspiring to make me hungry! I eat dinner, typically, within the next hour! ;D
@XanderHenderson ICK! Any way, pork?!
1 hour later…
11:06 PM
@XanderHenderson Just had one, was pretty good actually
@BinkyMcSquigglebottom I guess you're having problems with a particular solution.
For $e^x\sin x$, search a particular solution in the form $ae^x\sin x+be^x\cos x$
you should find $a=1/5$ and $b=-2/5$
11:34 PM
What is the formal definition of the inner product map from $\mathbb{R}^2\to\mathbb{R}$
I'm trying to figure out what's necessary for a structure to have an inner product. Like why can't I have a module $M$ over let's say the polynomial ring $\mathbb{Z}[x]$ have an inner product?
by the way,
I know $+$ for $R$ and $M$ are technically distinguishable, like they might not be the "same" operation (but still achieve the same things we need) but does that apply to the ring action $rm$ and what $rs$ is in $R$
@Obliv $a\cdot b = ab$?
i.e. $rs = r\cdot_R s$ and $rm$ is just what's defined. Similarly we could write $+_M$ and $+_R$ to distinguish the operations/functions
@Obliv the main obstruction is the notion of non-negative
people do consider spaces with generalized inner products i.e. symmetric bilinear maps
or equivalently a quadratic form
for example, Minkowski's space
Are inner products only for dim 2 vector spaces?
@Obliv come back when you will know what you're trying to ask
11:48 PM
Okay, how about: Are the most general spaces where inner products are defined called Hilbert spaces?
Eh nvm this is unnecessary for me to worry about at this point.
@Obliv Hadamard spaces generalize Hilbert spaces.

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