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6:59 AM
hey all
got a question,
if I use inverse trigonometric functions to solve a trigonometric equation when finding the result I kano that I must limit the first set of solution to the range of the inverse trig fucntion shoudl I limit it based on the domain of the non inverse trig fucntion itself too/
so basically my question is if we are finding the set of solutions for a trig fucntion and we use inverse trig functions to solve
do we ave to respect to limits to fidn the values for solution +cycle
1. the value must be in the first cycle
3 hours later…
10:08 AM
@SoumikMukherjee this is the kind of behaviour that made me stop contributing in cured
high rep users (or owners of the room) who think have a god-given right to censor/delete messagese only because they have the priviledge to do it
I've seen many times messages being moved to trash only because they express criticism
without criticism, you can't improve
Hi Sine of the Time.
11:13 AM
@SineoftheTime that's sad that they are misusing their powers.
Though I think it's okay to delete messages if they are written in an aggressive/attacking tone. But if someone writes their criticism in a respectful way then I don't see any reason for censorship
11:29 AM
Obviously, it's ok to delete messages, but I've seen several times messages deleted for no reason or for genuine criticism
5 hours later…
4:11 PM
Hi @Peter!!
@Sahaj Hello
4:45 PM
so by using inverse trig functions and a calculator for cosx=1/2 for 0≤x<2π a solution is found at π/3 but by graphing we can see that there is another solution at 5π/6 how can I algebraically know this and how can I find th other solutions (not in the specific case but in general so how can I find other solutions apart from the one given sign inverse trig fucntion if the first cycle of the unit circle of ay trig fucntion?)
$\cos(5\pi/6)\neq 1/2$
@FedericoRuck are you on your phone?
1 hour later…
5:56 PM
@SineoftheTime yea I know the answer too this one by graphing but what is the general formula to find alll solutions in the first cycle?
what is the first cycle?
depends on the trig function
@FedericoRuck for the purpose of writing LaTeX in chat
if you're on your pc, do you see the description of the chatroom?
sorry, seeing written LaTeX rather than writing it
6:47 PM
hi @Pizza
7:40 PM
@SineoftheTime Hi 👋
8:05 PM
Are mass petitions useful or are they just a tool to make people feel good? I think it is the later. So many signatures in the petition but nothing has changed.
sorry I confused petition and a survey
Recently a horrific crime happened. Some people are using petitions as a form of protest which I think is useless. The people with power don't get affected by this mass petitions. Rather they are probably happy to see that people are not taking any direct actions.
8:22 PM
usually how it goes, yeah
8:49 PM
@SoumikMukherjee In west bengal or where? I usually keep updated with such happenings but I have no clue, could you link a news article?
9:34 PM
@Sahaj Yes in west bengal, see this
10:02 PM
Unbelievable. That's actually very gruesome. It is unfortunate to see such things still happening in our country.
> The initial autopsy report also ruled out suicide
well... it shouldn't be hard to refute...
not with those injuries
@SineoftheTime it's their chatroom, its not like this is not allowed
it might be not in good taste, but nothing can stop them
what can be stopped is participance in those chatrooms, on an individual level
10:19 PM
And you can make your own chatroom, with blackjack and hookers
Or some specific chat for chess. Would be possible, and you guys seem very interested in chess

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