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Q: Can I trade with my friend on PC if I'm on Xbox?

blipI haven't tried yet, but I'd like to see if anybody knows: can I trade in Warframe with my friend on PC if I'm on Xbox?

6 hours later…
@SepiaLazers2.0 Good grief, this time you almost got me to participate in this (but I am lazy, and transferring the screen from the PS5 goes beyond what I will do for useless meta points)
Consider yourself lucky, I had the perfect way to make you regret this in mind.
^ @Memor-X stolen Madoka bow?
4 hours later…
@Memor-X I don't get why you are angry.
2 hours later…
@Fredy31 a new Abyss mode.
@Fredy31 you realize what this means, right?
A mode that requires you to build every character.
yesterday, by SPArcheon
user image
the trash artifact system still there.
I guess the presence of the hated time limit will make or break this new game mode.

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