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Fortnite added Toph to the game. Problem is that Toph is blind
2 hours later…
@Nzall you call that a problem?
I present you this old piece of FF7 merch.
@SPArcheon What's wrong with it?
@Nzall are you joking or you really don't notice anything wrong?
@SPArcheon I'm not familiar with the character. I know it's Barrett from FFVII, but not much more than that
@Nzall ok.
does this Rebirth screen help?
Oh wait, he's supposed to be black, but he isn't?
@Nzall bingo.
and that wasn't the only "whitewashed" piece of merch either
4 hours later…
always funny to see those merch things where whoever produced it didn't even look at the original thing
considering the specific error, I fear they saw the original, they looked at each other and said "white it is"
1 hour later…
@SPArcheon Its probably even stupider
they do 100s of different little men toy
the base model is white and they just went... ah fuck it

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