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@SPArcheon also they changed Aerith's line
the funny thing is that all the anti-localization people who whine about wanting more "accurate/literal" translations are whining because they don't like this change despite it being more accurate to the japanese
3 hours later…
@Memor-X Don't get me started.... The localization for the new game looks like pure trash from the trailers alone.
I don't consider those spoilers since those dialogues are in the ads themselves but you have totally different lines.
See older trailer, Marlene talking to Zack...
> Marlene says to Zack that "When she wakes up a scary man is going to kill her"
People interpreted this as Marlene being unconscious and therefore in "Zack" afterlife world.
The line meaning "Aerith will awake here (afterlife) when someone kills her in the real world"
but the Japanese line is.... surprise surprise.... COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!!!!!
やがっ た 誰 に も 言わ
ない お姉ちゃん は ね 怖い 人 に 殺さ れ ちゃう
should be something like "The girl didn't tell anyone that she will be killed by a scary man"
The recent trailer (last one they made some weeks ago)
Comparing further it looks like only the English version is hallucinating things. Maybe they used ChatGPT as a translation tool.
@SPArcheon without further lines that translation at the end makes less sense
@Memor-X it does in the full dialogue. The main point is that she never talks about herself in the original version. And I can see why some "I know better" guy added that made up line given the character - they had an agenda for the "World is more important that me" trope even if she didn't meant that in that specific scene.
@Fredy31 while I don't doubt a lot of "nooo, not my fanservice!" users are crying over that, there is a good amount that are more worried about a company changing things in a game THREE years after its release.
In this case... the change isn't that much. But I can see the reasoning.
No More Heroes is a game famous for having two versions based on the region. The original one and the censored one. The first has blood while in the second foes turn to dust (and they even edited a scene to add someone cleaning up the dust remains of a boss)
Now, imagine you bought the uncensored version then 4 years later a patch changes the game to the censored version instead.
You would be mad.
Now imagine you brought the thing digital so now you don't even have a way to install the original version if you deleted it.
@SPArcheon that's the nature of digital distribution. not to mention someone will just mod it like they did Remake
? Are you missing some pieces of the thread? Intergrade IS the "Remake". They censored the first game, the second one has just been released. As for the "mods" the same censorship patch went out of its way to break support for a ton of PC mods.
And there is also that point about the "PS first exclusive"
4 hours later…
@SPArcheon They're not translating the trailer in isolation though, those are lines from the game. Just because that info isn't in the exact same line in the japanese version doesn't mean it's not in the game. For pacing reasons maybe it's 30 seconds earlier in the japanese script or something
3 hours later…
@Ronan you can see the complete exchange in the actual ads, I have just picked out the specific lines that convey a different message between the two versions.
5 hours later…
Not looking at the images since I haven't played the remakes, sometimes I prefer changes in localization to the original. Case in point, Haurchefant in FFXIV is more compelling in the English localization than the original Japanese to me.
In the original Japanese, he's incredibly flirtatious verging on sleazy whereas he is much more platonic in the English translation. The latter makes his constant support for your character seem much more altruistic than the original, which has shades of "helping you out to try to get in your pants".
Spoilers for an almost 10 year old expansion: this makes his fate in the story hurt all the more and his last words feel particularly poignant even years on.
1 hour later…
Chat doesn't have spoiler tags, right?
Unless they changed something since the last time I checked, which I doubt they did because I think Twitter oneboxing is still broken and/or discontinued.
Nope, that didn't work
I mean, the localization change is partially a cultural difference. While the lovable flirt/charming cad trope does exist in Western media (Johnny Bravo, Joey in Friends, Pepe le Pew, etc), it's not nearly as ubiquitous as it is in Japan.
@Yuuki Yeah, and JB and PLP are both played as complete goofball antiheros of their own shows here in the west, that doesn't really work for Haurchefaunt
Honestly, I really dislike the trope partly because it's the sole reason why Mineta in My Hero Academia exists and won't get a narrative arc (unless he did, I've stopped paying attention to that series).

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