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Are the SE sites running slow for every one?
@TimmyJim yes
posted on February 27, 2024 by Timmy Jim

Hello and welcome to the 110th edition of the Screenshot of the Week! To start with, congratulations to the winner of the previous contest! Joachim's's picture from the-witcher-3 won with 13 upvotes! To submit a screenshot, simply post it as an answer to this question, but please take note of the following: One screenshot per post, and one post per person, please! Limite

Super slow
1 hour later…
I am really tempted to post a picture of a just announced videogame figure from Kotobukiya just to see what happens.
clue: it is kinda related to the winner of Screenshot of the Week #109.
... It is better if I spare you folks the pain
2 hours later…
Gotta love dealing with the government
seems my revenue declaration had problems, so they tried calling me
tried once. no message. then did not try again
and now i realise I havent got my tax return because I wanna apply for a mortgage and woops, dont have it

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