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Q: How to defend your base during speedruns?

user8600I can't get the 8 hour achievement on default settings no matter how hard I try. The problem is biters keep leveling my base before I can get beyond blue science, and often times I don't even get past green. My normal way to defend myself is to build a perimeter wall, however the 8 hour restricti...

11 hours later…
@Memor-X why you think I posted that trailer just after that blatant nonsense?
I was making fun of those no-brain-fans that will defend the game no matter what.
Gameplay? Still good even if a little stale (they should really start making some big change to the core gameplay even if it will break backward compatibility via Pkmn House/Bank/whatever)
Performances/Optimization? Pathetic to release a game in that state.
@Memor-X so.... they claim 20 players raid. Therefore I would hope at least 20 different characters so that you can play without dupes
@Fredy31 You probably now understand why I still claim that Nintendo is pretty stupid not making a Zelda game that actually has Zelda following you all game long.
Maybe... next one?
TotK had some suspicious features that could be seen as testing the water for an AI companion
@Fredy31 actually that is basically Metroid too, and it works great.
If you remember to use the item outside the dungeon. Which most games usually do.
@Fredy31 Wrong shark.
Would have supported your idea, but you picked the wrong one.
Convert to the superior shark.
7 hours later…
Has anyone played persona 3 reload?

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