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@Nzall lol we've got 3 of them
Baptised Sharkira, Sharkitwo and Sharkimou
The 3rd one the stuffing is kinda weird and wishy-washy, and mou in french is basically that
squishy might be the better translation
And sharkira is because this joke will never be funny in this household youtube.com/watch?v=sVpd9c421J8
...might have an SO that is facinated by sharks
...that might have broke down in tears when last summer we went to the toronto aquarium and saw some live for the first time in their life
@SPArcheon Really, that was one of the strengths of SS. The Zelda/Link relationship was believable. Most games they met once and Link just decides he's now responsible for saving the princess
Where SS failed most I think its that the 'Zelda recipe' of find item in dungeon, beat rest of dungeon with and the boss, and then that item might get used once or twice in the future became old af.
3 hours later…
@Fredy31 I love that

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