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Day 6 was way too simple compared to 5
6 hours later…
2 hours later…
@Batophobia Not that uncommon to have a breather day after hard ones
Especially early on
Part 1 for today seems easy enough.
I suspect part 2 will involve making that Ace act more like an Ace
And apparently the 100cm Blahajs are already sold out
1 hour later…
@Nzall Try at Swekia
@SPArcheon What is that?
ah, okay, it's an injoke
Not a serious reply
Not sure why I expected one
Got part1 working, but there's a bug in my part 2. Not sure what yet.
but right now my part 2 keeps producing the same answer as part 1.
Yeah I had lots of edge cases with part 2 I needed to deal with
So... I did me some hurt and went checking - lucky BEFORE thinking to get any of these as a Christmas gift.
All Okami HD versions - including the Japanese one - no longer have Reset because Capcom is a big idiot.
ah there we go
@Ronan Edge cases weren't my problem. There was a bug where my check to determine if a card was a JOKER wasn't working properly.
And I have checked.... Freesia has been removed in the Zero collection too....
Basically, I had a CARD class. It stored both the symbol (i.e. Q) and the value (i.e. 12 for Q). For my IsJoker() check, I was looking at the value. I should have been looking at the symbol though, since I was changing the values when testing various hands.
oh, no wait. My bad. Freesia managed to say. I am positively surprised.
That said, it is still the cut version.
Because obviously you make a 2 min song and then use 10 second in the game leaving the rest instrumental only.
3 hours later…
deserves a repost
in Sugarcube Corner, 19 mins ago, by Andras Deak -- Слава Україні
6 hours later…
Dang, @Unionhawk is way behind on Advent of Code. What a nerd.
@Wipqozn Imagine doing actual work rather than AoC smh
@Ronan Exactly!
Boy needs to get his priorities in order.
The Game Awards starts in about 20 minutes: youtube.com/watch?v=Zu2z5M4gmno

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