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@murgatroid99 That always happens to everyone for at least a few of the days.
3 hours later…
Since when do I need 70 agility to do saradomin, 2007?
2 hours later…
Q: Can you receive the Foehammer Achievement in a dishonoured save and if you force exit the game before your party dies?

PivomanWhen you complete the game in the new Honour mode, you can get the Foehammer achievement. In my game my party died. If you die, you can delete the save file, or play it in some "Dishonoured" mode. My questions are: When you continue your dishonoured game, can you still receive the Foehammer achi...

2 hours later…
I got word from Ikea last Friday that large size Blahajs might be in stock again by Wednesday
2 hours later…
Considering the character, this is basically wishing everyone to lose they 50/50 for Christmas.
@Memor-X new Powerwash DLC leaked.
honestly sometimes it's hard to tell if stuff like that is an attempt at humour or purposely trying to take the piss out of a game you don't like
5 hours later…
Dangit, it's too early to be behind on advent of code
@SaintWacko today is relatively straight forward though.
I'm realizing the problem with using javascript, though
I need to do yesterday's without numpy and pandas :(
@SaintWacko Pandas are so cute though
Also, unless you're doing a self-imposed challenge or trying to learn more JS, you can always just use different languages on different days. I mostly use Python, but occasionally switch to C# if I think it would be easier for that days problem.
@MBraedley It is, although based on r/adventofcode, sounds like more than a few folks fell into the trap of just trying to brute force it instead of mathing it. Meaning they're stuck in long ass runtime hell.
@SaintWacko consider this: this year you won't be distracted by hats
@Wipqozn I am trying to get better with typescript
@Wipqozn When I first read pt2 in bed I was thinking of actually making copies and adding them to a queue, then quickly decided that would be stupid, I just need to maintain a count.
@SaintWacko Maybe this is my unfamiliarity with pandas, but I'm not sure how something like numpy would have helped me yesterday
@Ronan numpy has some fancy tools for working with multi-dimensional arrays
@MBraedley haha yeah I went through the same thought process
The count solution is easier to code too
@Wipqozn definitely
I didn't use a map and instead used a vector, so I just needed to make sure to do the ID->index conversion (subtract 1)
I'm surprised we came across a problem this early where the naive approach would lead to utter chaos
for card in cards:
total += card.copies
wins = card.WinCount()
for n in range(i + 1, i + wins + 1):
cards[n].copies += card.copies
i += 1
I was wondering if thgat would work... but it didn't
> for card in cards:
total += card.copies
wins = card.WinCount()
for n in range(i + 1, i + wins + 1):
cards[n].copies += card.copies
i += 1
but basically, that's my part 2
2 hours later…
4 done
3, eesh, hmm
@Unionhawk I suggest doing it the correct way
@Wipqozn Where's the fun in that? Find the most jank that still technically works
@Ronan just write it in brainfuck
@Unionhawk The 2 approaches that are likely to bare fruit are to find all the numbers and then find (and store) the locations of the symbols around those numbers, or find all the symbols then find the numbers around those symbols.
@Unionhawk tbh you don't even need to bother with an array
I didn't store anything. I just checked strings around the numbers/symbols whenever I found them
@murgatroid99 What language do you usually do your solutions in?
I run the solution code in the console of the input data page, and pass document.window.innerText as the argument
I've finally gotten around to creating a utils library, so I've been reading everything into a vector of strings or vector of vector of strings (for regex input).
@MBraedley I've got a utils library too, but I haven't had to use it yet.
I don't even remember what all is in it
Probably something involving 2D and 3D coordinates
Honestly, I should have created one a couple of years ago
but also, 1 in the morning is not a great time for getting on the global leaderboard
The people who get on the global leaderboard usually already have a huge utils library to pull from
Kind of need to have that to make iton the leaderboard at this point
I suspect that getting on the global leaderboard involves having a script that dumps the problem text into an LLM at exactly midnight, runs the output code, and automatically enters the solution.
@murgatroid99 LLMs aren't allowed on the global leaderboard this year, but that's also honour system
but people in PST or MST can start the problem at 9/10PM so they can be prepared. They also have scripts to save the example and actual inputs
@MBraedley I'd bet that "please don't" isn't a strong deterrent to people who want to pubstomp like that
In unrelated news, look at what happened on the, well, news
Belgian public broadcasting is interviewing a railway spokesperson about people ignoring stop signals at railway crossings, when someone does exactly that right in plain view of the camera
Note that there have been TONS of incidents like that recently. I think that one is the 5th in less than a week
well that's a saradomin sword instead of an armadyl crossbow
But it's also a godsword shard 3 from a minion lol
Just did day 1 part 1 using Go. Neat little language.
Never used GO before, but it seems to becoming used more and more. So figured I'd play around with it some.
and I did part 2 as well
Not nearly as elegant as my python solution, but not like I expected anything else sinve I've never used GO before.
but the String.Index() and String.LastIndex() functions in GO are pretty nifty.
Oh ye for 1-1 I just had C# treat the lines as IEnumerable<char> and used them in .First and .Last lol
3 hours later…
GTA 6 set to release in 2025
don't worry, that is legit Rockstar's release
the guy who tried to leak it already got nuked

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