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apparently there's no party matchmaking?
11 hours later…
@Yuuki what
How do you even launch a game like payday 3 without that
i have to double-check because that doesn't seem right at all
okay, so it might be related to the matchmaking bugs they're currently having but the game should allow you to group with friends
so that's good
4 hours later…
Q: How can I help stranded spaceship captains?

PeterCoAfter two unsuccessful attempts to help stranded spaceship captains I would like to know what exactly I should do to help a friendly inquiring captain? They ask me for some spare parts or food, but don't say exactly what they need. From the 3 possible answers there is none with a real direct help...

@Yuuki yeah you can group with friends servers have just been smouldering since full launch
Game rules when you can get a server but
3 hours later…
hmm, anyone care to give me a 2nd opinion on my potential RAM purchase

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