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Is chat unmoderated too?
3 hours later…
@ComicSansSeraphim I'll take one for the team if needed.
Just for you
But also no normal flags still exist :)
(my personal view is also complex, I'm not going to let chat fall into complete chaos, just normal chaos, so be advised, technically speaking it's business as usual in here)
@Unionhawk That's good. I was afraid to answer because I didn't want to give the impression it was the wild west now lol
It's the normal west still
I'm watching you at all times
Especially when I'm not at my computer
I got eyes everywhere
Be very afraid
I thought I saw you outside the window earlier
We got an elf on the shelf in here somewhere
9 hours later…
see, i knew about the strike but i just mindlessly clicked the "review queue" button and went through it. i'm actually impressed that stackexchange has trained my muscle memory so well.
7 hours later…
Q: How to change Minecraft screenshots folder?

theonlygustiHow can I change where screenshots taken in Minecraft (using F2) get saved? By default they are saved to the Minecraft game directory's "screenshots" subdirectory, e.g. %APPDATA%\.minecraft\screenshots, and I haven't found any way at all, via the game's menus or the game's configuration files, to...

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